F.O.W.L. Return

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Emilie had been working for Scrooge McDuck for eight years, and a lot has changed in those eight years.In both her personal life, and work life.But she was happy.Too bad Scrooge wasn't.
"So,we have to either have to cut staff at the Bin again, or sell some stuff."said Emilie.
"What?No!"said Scrooge.Ever since that argument with his sisters four years ago Emilie was becoming more, and more like Bradford.Expect for the sinister aura that surrounded him.
"Tell you what,how about you chose who should be fired?"suggested Emilie.Scrooge smiled.He knew the prefect person to fire.
"Fine by me!"said Scrooge with a smile. "Brigitta,your fired!"
"What!Nnnnnoooooo!" wailed Brigitta as though Scrooge literally ripped out her heart.
"I'll get the gopher wood for the ark."said Emilie as Brigitta started to cry.What made it worse,it was an ugly pathetic cry.The kind that made you want to avoid the person who was crying.
Suddenly Emilie heard a weird sound.It could easily be Gryo,but a lot of money had been cut due to someone,or something,buying Scrooge's businesses in the last five years, and Gyro's underwater lab was the one of the main sources of cutting.
The door to Scrooge's archives suddenly swung opened.
"What are you doing?"demanded Quackfaster.
"Looking for gopher wood."said Emilie innocently.
"You honestly expect me to believe that?"
"Is this about downgrading the archives?"asked Emilie.Quackfaster didn't say anything.
"Look, I'm sorry,but some of those books were completely unnecessary to anybody except Webby."
"Those completely unnecessary books are-"began Quackfaster.Suddenly the floor collapsed beneath them.As it turned out,the entire Money Bin had collapsed,right into Gyro's underwater lab.
"What the-"said Emilie.
"My lab!"said Gryo.
"Correction.Our lab."said a strangely familiar voice.Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice.
"Big Gino!"said Emilie in shock.
"F.O.W.L.?!"said Scrooge in the same shocked voice.
"Negaduck?"said Gyro.
"Um-hello?What about me?"said Walt as he came out of the shadows.
"Walt!"screamed Emilie as she rushed towards him.All she could think of was what horrible things that F.O.W.L. could of done to him in the five years that she last saw him.Unfortunately,Walt didn't return the sentiment.He pushed her onto the ground.
"Walt?"said Emilie in a small voice.
"Go!"yelled Scrooge taking out his Von Drake PPK cane. "Go to Beakley!"
Gyro,and Quackfaster ran while Zenith, and Brigitta dragged Emilie with them.

* * *

"So,F.O.W.L.'s back, and this time they're now under the control of a mob boss, and Negaduck, and Emilie's brother,Walt had joined them?"said Mrs.Beakley after everyone told her what happened.Excluding Emilie,who was still in shock that Walt,the brother she raised since he was a year old,was now a F.O.W.L. agent.
'How did this happen?Why did this happen?' Emilie continued to question herself.
"Okay,we need to tell everybody that F.O.W.L.'s back."Mrs.Beakley continued. "After I go help Mr.McDuck,we'll go tell his sisters.In the meantime,Gryo,you go to St.Canard, and tell our allies there-"
"You mean our former allies?"asked Gryo. "The only ones that live in St.Canard that still like us are Fenton, and Gandra.And I don't think their son knows who we are."
"Which is why you're going to St.Canard.Drake works for Gizmo Industries.I'm sure those in St.Canard will listen to you.Now,Emilie,I know you're in a bad way, but I need you to talk to the cousins."
Emilie didn't say anything.
"The fact that she didn't say anything gives me such reassurance."said Gryo sarcastically.
"You two just do what I told you to do."said Mrs.Beakley. "Quackfaster,Zenith,Brigitta.You three go find the rest of our allies."
"Provided that they want to help us."said Gyro.
"Just go!"yelled Mrs.Beakley.

* * *

Scrooge couldn't believe it.It was bad enough that F.O.W.L. was back,but too make it worse,they captured him.
"You won't get away with this."said Scrooge after he was thrown into one of the F.O.W.L. holding cells at the Lost Library.
"Oh,Scroogey,we already did."said Big Gino. "Why do you think your parents are dead?Why do you think the majority of your family isn't talking to each other?Why do you think you're businesses are disappearing?Why do you think Emilie, and Gladstone's wedding was ruined?Who do think sent Emilie, and Gladstone that doll?Who do you think is responsible for Louie's disappearance?"
"You!You-are responsible!"
"Yes.But,honestly,it was rather easy.Underneath the facade of family bliss was bitterness, resentment, and jealousy.We just fanned the flames."
"My family will reunite to take you, and the rest F.O.W.L. down just like before!"
"I highly doubt that."said Big Gino,suddenly pointed a remote at Scrooge's cell. "But if you're so sure,maybe you should watch.Should be fun."
Then Big Gino left.

* * *

Mrs.Beakley looked around.It was a mess.There was water, and debris everywhere.But no Scrooge.But she did find something that gave her an ominous feeling.
Scrooge's Von Drake PPK cane.It was broken into two pieces.F.O.W.L. must've captured him.Or worse.Either way,she knew what she had to do.
'Even if Gyro may be right.' thought Mrs.Beakley,knowing full well there was a possibility that Gyro was probably right.At this point,the family was too torn apart to listen.But that didn't mean she couldn't try.

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