Fowl Plan

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Big Gino was on the top of the Lost Library waiting for Clan McDuck to be brought up.He couldn't wait to rub it in their faces that they lost.Of course they would ask what his plan was, and he would be more than happy to tell them.
Finally,after a long time,the last of Clan McDuck was on the top of the Lost Library with him.He told his F.O.W.L. agents to make sure that Clan McDuck couldn't escape, and they did.Not only did they tied them with electric wires,but they put shock collars on them.Big Gino was impressed.
"Well,McDuck,it looks like you lose."said Big Gino.
"We don't even know what your up to!"said Scrooge.
"Good point.Before we kill you all I would like you to know what our plan is"mocked Big Gino.
Clan McDuck looked around.Expect for themselves, and Big Gino,there was nobody there.Perhaps the other F.O.W.L. agents will be there soon.
"It all began when Bradford needed somebody to fund F.O.W.L. And that someone was me.But somebody ratted me out to the cops-"
"Oops."said Emilie quietly enough that only Gladstone could hear her.
"And I'm sure you know the rest.Bradford becoming Scrooge's C.F.O.,embezzlement,sending Della into space,10 year estrangement,The Shadow War,the moon invading,the F.O.W.L. under Bradford's command resurfacing.Blah,blah,blah."
"Anyway, I found all this out after I got out of prison.So when my plan to kill Emilie, and use Izzy's future seeing ways failed, I decided to reform F.O.W.L. The way I was told it would be like.Global domination!It was very easy.All I had to do was find the scattered F.O.W.L. agents.And after recruiting Negaduck,it was easy."
"After using Walt's emotional state to get him to join F.O.W.L.-"
"You momzer! Meesa masheena !"yelled Emilie at Big Gino.
"Okay, I have no idea what you said, but I don't like how you said it,so I'm going to assume it's insulting."responded Big Gino.
"Now like I was saying,before I was rudely interrupted,we came here.That's when I came up with my plan.Negaduck will go after the friends of the family.Something he did very well."
"So that's why Louie's gone!?"said Huey in angry while Dewey just sat there in shock.
"Who's Louie?"asked Claire.
"Huey, and Dewey's brother."explained Dungan.
"What?"said Pahooey.
"How many secrets does this family have?!"asked Donna.
"While Steelbeak, and Walt went after the family.You can thank them for Emilie, and Gladstone's wedding being ruined.You can thank them for Pahooey, and Donna's second birthday party being ruined.You can thank them for the Raggedy Anne doll with the demon being sent to Emilie, and Gladstone."
"Told you Daisy didn't send that doll!"Donald snapped at Gladstone.
"Alright! I'm sorry!"said Gladstone.
"And Phantom Blot,Pepper, and Don Krange were sent to get the Ark of the Covent.You can thank them for your parents' death."
"What?!Why would they kill our parents?!"demanded Hortense as Matilda started to cry, and Scrooge sat in quiet fury.
"They didn't.But Negaduck did.But they did take the Ark of the Covent, and the Knight Templars' treasure.And as for me? I was the one who was stealing all your businesses,Scroogey."
"You!But-but-why?There's no reason! We did nothing to you!"said Scrooge.
"The Shadow War?The Moonvasion?F.O.W.L.?You know what all these have in common?You!You, and your family won!If we want to win we have to get rid of you, and your family first!"answered Big Gino. "And that's exactly what we're going to do."
"We?we who? There's nobody here except us."pointing out Lena.
"What?"said Big Gino turned around multiple times. "Where are they? Why wouldn't they be here?Don Krange, and Negaduck were one upping each other in terms of how they're going to kill they're respective arch enemies!"
"I can answer that."said a familiar voice that belonged to somebody that everybody,excluding Pahooey,Donna, Claire, and Nathan was dead.
"Louie!"said everybody.The family in happy shock.Excluding Pahooey,Donna,Claire, and Nathan who said his name in simple shock.Big Gino in horrified shock.
He should of listen to Steelbeak that day.

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