Family Reunion

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After S.H.U.S.H. had arrested the F.O.W.L. agents at the Lost Library,at least the ones who were there, and alive,the McDuck/Duck family were heading back to Duckburg.
Despite everything he did to the family,Big Gino did do one thing right,he made Scrooge realize that he did play favorites in the family.It wasn't until he told Scrooge to act like Gladstone was part of the family did he realize this.
Which was why Scrooge,instead of spending time with Della,or Donald,or the boys, or Webby,decided to spend time with Pahooey,Donna, and Claire.He was not going to make the same mistake with them that he made with the cousins, and the boys.
"Are you really our uncle?"asked Pahooey finally.
"How old are you?"asked Donna.
"What's your net worth?"asked Claire.
"What's the deal with the family?"asked Pahooey.
"Ohhh,is this a real gem?Can I have it?"asked Claire.
"How come you never visit?"asked Pahooey.
"Oh,is it because you're so old, and moving so hard?"said Claire.
"You owe us a lot of birthday presents!"said Donna.
"This family used to be a big deal!Whatever happened to that?"asked Claire.
Scrooge started to laugh.
"Curse me kilts,have I missed this!"said Scrooge as he pulled them into a hug.The kids looked confused.
"I'll be answering all your questions."said Scrooge.As Pahooey,Donna, and Claire looked at Scrooge with wide eyes as Scrooge answered all their questions.
Even the ones that he didn't want to answer.It took a while due to some of the answers were long, and the fact the kids kept interrupting, but it was worth it.Also,it was a good way to pass the time from Egypt to Duckburg.
Finally the family reached Duckburg.Scrooge looked at the family as they got off the Sunchaser.They seemed happy,like what happened in the last four years didn't happen. F.O.W.L. didn't feed off their weaknesses to get them to turn against each other.Louie didn't disappear.Nothing bad happened.
But,that's not true.Scrooge favored Della because of her adventurous ways,which was why he favored Dewey.
'And Della did the same thing.' thought Scrooge. It was true.Della repeated his behavior.Maybe all this happened for a reason.Scrooge looked at Pahooey,Donna, and Claire as they rushed towards their respective parents.
There was a reason.What if the older kids did the same thing to the younger kids?What if the boys did the same thing to their own kids?
Scrooge was the family patriarch.The family,especially the younger generations,followed his example.He knew what he had to do.
Scrooge had to change.Not only that,but he had to make up for his past mistakes.Make it up to Donald,Gladstone, and Fethry.Make it up to Huey, and Louie.
Donald,for overlooking the fact that he raised Huey, Dewey, and Louie on his own.No help,nothing but his grit, and determination.Gladstone,for leaving him behind in Macaw.Matilda was right,he constantly talked about how important family is to him,but his actions in Macaw proved just the opposite.Fethry,for leaving him in his underwater deep sea lab,even after Fethry told Scrooge that it was falling apart.Scrooge remembered Abner yelling at him about the possibility of Fethry dying if Huey, and Dewey didn't come.
Huey,for overlooking his abilities as a Junior Wood Chuck when he was younger.It was only when it necessary when he seemed to care about Huey's Wood Chuck activities.Louie,for not realizing his achievements.Louie was only 13 when he had a world renewed reputation.
He didn't know how he was going to do it, but Scrooge was going to do it.But all he knew was he had to make sure he didn't fall into his old habits of playing favorites.

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