Beakley's Team

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As opposed to the other teams,including the one with Ludwig,Mrs.Beakley knew what to do.Given that they had no idea what Big Gino's plan was,it wasn't a good idea to split up.As such they,like the other teams,stuck together.But they had to take him down.
Unfortunately,they also had to take down the other F.O.W.L. agents too.This was the reason why F.O.W.L. returned.Bradford may have been defeated,but the F.O.W.L. agents simply rallied around another leader.Mrs.Beakley could not let that happen.
Suddenly a green blast came towards the team.
"Be on guard."said Mrs.Beakley.Everybody stood in fighting positions.Then out of the shadows Phantom Blot, and Pepper appeared.With Phantom Blot holding Claire like before.
Lena transformed into her Blue Sorceress outfit.With her hand glowing blue, she took aim at Phantom Blot.But Phantom Blot had other plans for her.
"Give up your magic,or I'll take away hers!"threatened Phantom Blot his gauntlet pointing at Claire,who was whimpering.Lena blasted the gauntlet out of his hands.
"So it's true what B.O.Y.D, and the Quiverwingquack said.You aren't a hero!"said Pepper as she took the gauntlet pointed it at Claire herself,resulting in her luck in being drained.
"Well done Pepper!"laughed Phantom Blot.Lena simply stood there,watching Claire get up from the ground.It was quite clear,like her father years ago,she found it hard to live without her luck.Although admittedly,Claire had a excuse.She was four.
"Hey!"said Claire when Don Krange suddenly arrived, and picked her up.
"Team Magic,go after Phantom Blot,Della, Dewey,go after Don Krange,while I go after Pepper."said Mrs.Beakley.She refuse to let herself be captured by F.O.W.L.
Unfortunately,the plan didn't go as planned.As not only did Don Krange used Claire as a human shield to prevent Della,or Dewey from hitting him,but finally put his sword on Claire's throat to get them to surrender.
Then there was Team Magic.Normally they wouldn't have any problem with Phantom Blot, but he used one of the oldest weapons in the world,psychological warfare, and constantly reminded Lena that she was responsible for Claire losing her magical luck,causing her to go off her game.The end result was Lena losing her magic, and Team Magic losing.
Then there was Mrs.Beakley, and Pepper.With Pepper using Phantom Blot's gauntlet as a weapon it was hard for Mrs.Beakley to avoid,although she did her best.But like,Della,Dewey, and Team Magic,she was defeated.

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Big Gino was smiling at Scrooge through the screen in his cell.
"All the people who came to save you,or do whatever have now been captured,Scroogey."bragged Big Gino. "You lost."
"It's not over yet."declared Scrooge.
"Oh really,who's going to stop me?"

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Louie Duck stood in front of the Lost Library,the very place he ran away from four years ago,with Emilie's sisters,Annebelle,Danielle, Izzy, and Kelly.With them were Danielle's wife Penumbra, and Louie's new girlfriend,Vanessa.
"So this is the Lost Library huh?"said Vanessa.
"Yup.Now come on, I have a plan to make sure F.O.W.L. is defeated once, and for all."said Louie.

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