Child's Play

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Where the kids were was on the plane,as they sneaked on.At least,Dungan,Pahooey,Donna, and Claire did.Nathan only went with them because he didn't want to be left behind.
"See,I told you that I would find us a good place to hide."said Claire.
"How do you know we won't get caught?"asked Donna.
"Because I'm lucky!"
"Of course."said Donna.She has heard her father,who she inherited her bad luck from,complain about someone who was always lucky.He always said that they were 'the worst'.
"Why are you lucky?"asked Pahooey.
"Because my Daddy's lucky!"said Claire.She was so happy to have friends.Everybody else she knew usually avoided her because of her luck.All she had was her Snagglepuss plushie,which she had with her.
"What's with the pink thing?"asked Donna.Claire seemed rather-attached-to the thing.
"This is my best friend.His name is Snagglepuss.He's a character from Jellystone!"said Claire as she shoved Snagglepuss in Donna's face.Pahooey, and Donna looked at each other.Pahooey felt sorry for her.Claire must be a very lonely child if her best friend was a stuffed animal.Unfortunately,Donna felt differently.
"Your best friend is a stuffed animal!"laughed Donna.
"Donna,be quiet."said Dungan.But Donna didn't listen.
"You must be pretty pathetic if your willing to be friends with a toy!"Donna continued to laugh.Tears began to form in Claire's eyes.She thought she finally found friends.She guess she was wrong.
Suddenly the kids' hiding spot was discovered.It was Mrs.Beakley.Claire ran from the kids' hiding place in tears.
"Mommy!Daddy!That girl made me cry!"cried Claire pointing at Donna.
"There,there,it's okay."said Gladstone.
"Yes.Mommy will make her parents' lives a living nightmare." said Emilie with an unsettling smile.
'Sheesh.No wonder she's the way she is.' thought Donna.Unfortunately,her, and Pahooey's father was there.And he was the disciplinary in the family.
"I'm sorry I didn't stop her,Dad."said Pahooey.Why?Why was he always the one who had to clean up after Donna?
"Donna,you are going to apologize to-"Donald suddenly stopped.Should he say it?But a small voice in his head said 'it was time' "Your cousin. I want you to apologize to your cousin."
"What?"said Pahooey,Donna, and Claire at the same time.Then there was silence.
"M'ma!P'pa!"said Nathan,causing the silence to stop. "We're going on the fowl adventure too!"
"No,no you are not!"said Gandra.
"What are you even doing here?"asked Fenton.
"Yes,what are you doing here,Dungan?"asked Mrs.Beakley,looking down at Dungan.She somehow looked very menacing.
"We,Pahooey,Donna,Claire, and I wanted to go with you guys.But Nathan didn't want to be left behind,so we brought him with us."said Dungan.Poppa had told him that since he was getting older, he was going to have to be more responsible.He suppose this was proof.
"So,instead of staying behind to make Nathan happy,you decided to bring a two year old child with you?"said Mrs.Beakley.Dungan nodded.
"Well,unfortunately,it's all for nothing,because the five of you are staying on the plane while we take down F.O.W.L."
"No fowl adventure for us?"said Nathan.

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By the time the plane arrived at The Lost Library Pahooey,Donna, and Claire seemed to accept the fact that they were cousins.But that didn't mean they,or Dungan, and Nathan were allowed to join the adults in fighting F.O.W.L.
"Okay,everybody-"began Mrs.Beakley when Della landed the plane.
But like the last time they encountered F.O.W.L.,everybody went to do their own thing.Which left Mrs.Beakley with Della,Dewey,Webby,Violet, and Lena.
"Of course."said Mrs.Beakley. "You children stay here.The rest of you,come with me!"
Unfortunately for Mrs.Beakley,everything was being watched by Big Gino.
"Oh Agent 22,do you really think it would be this easy?"mocked Big Gino. "Frank!Ed!Go get the brats!"

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Staying in the plane was very boring.But Dungan wanted to proof that he could be responsible.Too bad fate had other plans.
"I'm bored!!!!"whined Claire.
"Oh,play with your stupid doll."said Donna.
"It's not a doll!This is a Snagglepuss plushie."corrected Claire.Donna grabbed the plushie and threw it out the door.
"Oops."said Donna.
"Snagglepuss!"yelled Claire running after Snagglepuss.
"Donna!"criticized Pahooey.
"What?She needs to toughen up."defended Donna.
"I wanna go outside too!"said Nathan,going after Claire,something Pahooey, and Donna did also.
"No!Wait!"said Dungan.But realized that he was fighting a losing battle, and decided to join them.And just in time too.
"Hey,Dungan,who are those guys?"asked Pahooey pointing into the distance.Dungan looked towards the direction that Pahooey was pointing.Dungan didn't know who the people that Pahooey was pointing at, but the they were menacing looking, and coming towards them only meant one thing.
'F.O.W.L. agents.' thought Dungan.
"Run!"said Dungan,which the other kids did.In every direction except the direction that Dungan wanted them to go,which was inside the plane.
"Come on Ed,"said Frank "Just 'cause they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off doesn't make it any harder."
Which wasn't exactly true,but it wasn't exactly false either.While it was easy to capture Nathan, and Dungan,the latter due to fear of the strange big men, and Dungan trying to keep calm,it wasn't so easy to capture Pahooey,Donna, and Claire.
"Hey $20!"said Claire just as Frank picked her up.
Pahooey, and Donna proofed to be more difficult to get.But thanks to Donna's bad luck, and Pahooey trying to get her out of whatever her bad luck got her in,they managed to capture them.
Now to take them to Big Gino.

I really hope that $20 joke was worth it,I really do.

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