Hortense's Team

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Frank, and Ed brought the kids to Big Gino's office.Where he was waiting for them,and he wasn't alone.The other F.O.W.L. agents were with him.
"Good,good."said Big Gino. "Now to get down to business.The plan is simple.We use the kids to make the adults to surrender."
"That's it?"said Don Krange.
"Yeah, I thought we were going to kill them."said Steelbeak.The kids looked at each other.While Claire, and Nathan had no idea what that meant,they knew by Dungan,Pahooey, and Donna's faces it wasn't good.
"Look,we threaten each 'team' with a kid,or in the case of Hortense, and her tag alongs,two, and they'll surrender.The faster we get this done,the faster we get to the real fun."
The other F.O.W.L. agents looked at each other.They were fine with getting their enemies to surrender quickly if it meant destroying them faster.
"So that's your plan?"said Scrooge through the screen in his cell. "Hiding behind children?"
"Blah,blah,blah,"said Big Gino as he rolled his eyes. "Now,Dungan has no emotional ties to anybody here so,Frank,just throw him in one of the holding cells.Now John,Jeeves,Steelbeak,you three are taking the twins and are going after Hortense, and her lackeys.Walt,you take the lucky mutant-"
"Hey!"said Claire.
"And go after Matilda, and her family.Negaduck,you take the baby of the group, and go after Gyro's team.Phantom Blot, Pepper, and Don Krange,after Walt's done with her you use the luck magnet."said Big Gino.Everybody agreed,although lost forgotten uncertainties returned in Walt.
"Good."said Big Gino,but he stopped Ed,Phantom Blot, and Pepper before they left his office. "Ed, I want you to follow Walt. I still believe he has conflicting feelings about being in F.O.W.L., and if he doesn't follow through with what I told him,well,you know what to do."
Ed nodded.Ed knew what to do.Kill him.
"And Phantom Blot, Pepper,you two are to take his place as the people who threatened Claire with her life so Matilda, and her group of oddballs can surrender."
Phantom Blot, and Pepper nodded.

* * *

Hortense,Donald, and Daisy were walking around the Lost Library.Neither Hortense,or Daisy knew where they were going,so they relayed on Donald.
But Donald was just as lost.Their plan was to save Scrooge.Donald didn't know why his mother would want to save Scrooge,unless it was to rub it in his face that she saved him.Suddenly an evil chuckle was heard.
"John D. Rockerduck!"said Donald when he saw him.He pounced on him as his mother grabbed a broom.
"Where's Uncle Scrooge?!"demanded Donald as his mother was beating John with the broom.John simply laughed.Donald, and Hortense looked at each other.This was not the reaction they expected.
"Oh,Jeeves!"said John in a sing song voice.Jeeves appeared.But he wasn't alone.
First of all,Steelbeak was with him,which was weird all by itself, but both of them had Pahooey, and Donna with them.Pahooey in Jeeves's hands,and Steelbeak's hands.
"You let them go!"yelled Donald.But instead of compiling,what Jeeves, and Steelbeak did startled Donald,Daisy, and Hortense.
Steelbeak, and Jeeves put Pahooey, and Donna on the ground with much force, and put on of their feet on their heads.
"Here's the thing."said Steelbeak before Hortense,Donald,or Daisy could do anything. "You three surrender,or Jeeves, and I will be smashing the squirts' heads in by stomping on them."
What Donald felt was a combination of unbridled fury, and unbridled fear.One the hand,he wanted to beat Steelbeak,Rockerduck, and Jeeves until they were nothing but dust.But doing so would result in Pahooey, and Donna dying before he could even get to them.Donald looked at his mother for guidance on what to do.
But all Hortense could do is look away.Even she knew that fighting was a bad idea.
"Fine."said Donald with as much venom in his voice as possible.
"Good."said John. "Now let's go."Jeeves handed Pahooey to Steelbeak so he pick up the Ducks.
"You let them go!"Donald demanded of Steelbeak.But all Steelbeak did was squeeze Pahooey, and Donna a bit.Donald sighed.He felt like a failure.

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"Well,well,well."said Big Gino. "It seems like your two toughest relatives have been defeated."
"Only because your F.O.W.L. agents hid behind two children like cowards!"yelled Scrooge from the screen in his cell. "If they weren't hiding like cowards Hortense, and Donald would of beaten them to Kingdom Come, and back!"
"Yes,yes.yes.Blah,blah,blah.But it doesn't matter Scroogey,because I am winning."

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