Family Disunion

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Gryo was right.Although those at the Money Bin were able to get the rest of the family at McDuck Manor,it didn't mean that they were going to get along.
First of all,Matilda, and Hortense still mad at each other.With Hortense accusing Matilda of being too soft, and Matilda accusing Hortense being too harsh.Too make matters worse,they had taken Donald, and Gladstone's side in their argument respectively.
Donald was still waiting for an apology for Gladstone's accusation that Daisy sent the Raggedy Anne Doll with the demon in it.While Emilie, and Daisy got into the argument in their own way.Emilie accused Daisy getting where she was because of Donald,while Daisy accused Emilie of a heartless harpy.
Then there was Huey, and Dewey.Neither one of them had talked to each other since Huey left for St.Canard.Not only did both of them still accuse each other of responsible for Louie's disappearance, but Dewey accused Huey of not caring about the family.But Huey accused Dewey of only caring about himself, and if he did care about the family,it was only because he expected something in return.
Of course,Gosayln, and Team Magic had to get in on Huey, and Dewey's argument.Gosayln still accused Team Magic of being a cult, and expressed her shock that they hadn't sacrificed Dewey to a demon yet.Meanwhile,Team Magic pointed out that Lena was now a superhero,unfortunately for Lena,Gosayln just had to point out that nobody really knew who she was,as opposed to her,where in St.Canard,people knew who  Quiveringwingquack was.
While there were people who weren't in the middle of the family drama,they naturally,somehow got pulled into the in-fighting.When Della tried to stop the fighting between her brother, and sister-in-law, and the Ganders,her mother brought up her taking the Spear of Selene,telling Della that Donald was a far better parent that she was, and was more of a parent to her sons than she was.
Then there was Team Magic, and Gosayln's argument about being Lena a real superhero.To them,the true test was to ask B.O.Y.D.,who was trying to stay out of all the fighting,who he would rather team up in a fight against a villain.It didn't end well as B.O.Y.D. accidentally revealed that he didn't know that Lena was a superhero.Something that greatly amused Drake,who like Fenton,had returned to the world of superheroing due to the threat of F.O.W.L.,something that got him lectured by Fenton.Thankfully,it didn't end badly due to Launchpad's influence.
The worst part of the fighting was that there were people who never,or didn't remember most of these people.And those people were Pahooey, and Donna,who were now six, Claire, who was now four, and Fenton, and Gandra's two year old son,Nathan.While Dungan was there too,now nine,he had memories of most of these people getting along,not fighting.
The only people who weren't involved in the fighting were Mrs.Beakley,Gryo,Manny, and Abner.The reason for Mrs.Beakley,Gyro, and Manny was that they just too smart.And Abner just didn't care.
"We have to stop the fighting."said Mrs.Beakley after a while.She had come up with a plan.She just hoped it worked.
"I'm on it."said Manny. "Quiet!"
Everybody stopped arguing.
"Good.Since we have a problem getting along,I decided that we should divide into four teams-"began Mrs.Beakley.
"Hey!Who put you in charge?!"demanded Hortense.
"I happen to have experience in this type of matter."answered Mrs.Beakley.Hortense didn't say anything. "Now,as I was saying,I've decided to divide us into four teams based on how well we get along.Those who will be with me are Della,Dewey,Webby,Violet,and Lena.Those who will be Matilda are Ludwig,Emilie, and Gladstone.Those who will be with Hortense are Donald, and Daisy.Those who will be with Gyro will be Fenton,Gandra,Huey,Drake,Launchpad,Gosayln, and B.O.Y.D. Any questions?"
"Yeah!"said a small voice below. "What team are we on?"
It was Claire.She,Pahooey, and Donna were looking up at Mrs.Beakley hopefully.
"None.You three,along with Dungan, and Nathan,will be staying here in the manor with Abner.
"Of course,I'll stay here, and tell the kiddies about their family while waiting for Brigitta,Zenith, and Quackfaster to come back."said Abner.Mrs.Beakley didn't say anything.She knew what Abner was getting at.Pahooey,Donna, and Claire didn't know that they were cousins because of the four year long family drama.
"Just keep an eye on them."said Mrs.Beakley,refusing to take Abner's bait.
"Okay."said Abner.Abner turned around.The kids were gone.
"Where are the kids?!"

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