Louie's Tale

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"How are you still alive?"asked Big Gino.How could Louie be alive?He should of died!
"Easy."said Louie "It began four years ago..."

Four years ago....

Louie was tired,hungry,dehydrated.He couldn't keep running, even if he wanted to.Louie collapsed onto the desert sand, and began to cry.Louie found it hard to believe he actually had tears coming out of his eyes, but he did.Regardless,all he could think of was him buried under the sand.And being dug up years later,nobody not having any idea who he was.Louie lost consciousness as he thought of F.O.W.L. succeeding in whatever they were planning...

* * *

Louie woke up.He had no idea where he was.He felt better, and everything around him was white.
'Did I die?Am I in heaven?' thought Louie.Suddenly he became aware of the noises around him.Hospital noises.Louie looked around him.
There was a gray thing attached to his finger, and it was attached to a machine.He had no idea what it did, but it was probably important.There was two IVs attached to his arms,Louie could only assume that they were they were the reason that he was still alive.There was also a bedpan,which grossed Louie out.
Louie looked for some way to alert the medical staff that he was awake.Finally, he found a remote with a picture of a nurse on it.Louie pushed it.A nurse came.
"Um-hi?"said Louie.He wasn't sure where he was.He knew he was in a hospital,probably in Egypt,but other than that, he had no idea what was going on.
"Oh good,your awake."said the nurse.
"Where am I?How did get here?How long have I been here?"asked Louie.
"Your in the Emergency room of The Egyptian Hospital.You were found by an assistant of Dr.Cartar who was looking for the tomb of the queen of Toth-ah.You've been here for five days."
"Five days!said Louie in shock.
"Yes.I'll go get the doctor."
Louie didn't say anything.Five days!He's been unconscious for five days!He suddenly decided to look on the bright side,even though it wasn't his thing.He was alive.Suddenly a doctor came in.
"Hello,I'm Dr.Abayomi.You're very lucky to be alive.Unfortunately,the only information we got about you was from Jerry Watterson gave us."said the doctor.
"Who?"said Louie.
"Jerry Watterson.The man who found you. We need more information about you."said Dr.Abayomi.
So Louie told them.He wasn't sure about telling Dr.Abayomi about F.O.W.L., but considering that he was unconscious for five days he felt he was probably a good idea.
"Thank you,Louie."said Dr.Abayomi. "Do you want to tell the police about these "F.O.W.L." people?"
Louie didn't like the way Dr.Abayomi said F.O.W.L. It was like he didn't believe him,or something.Although, he may not of heard of F.O.W.L.
"Yes."said Louie.
The sooner that F.O.W.L. was defeated,the sooner he wouldn't have to worry about what horrible things they were doing to his family.
Unfortunately,the cops were essentially useless.True,they have heard of F.O.W.L., but they couldn't do anything about them.Expect tell S.H.U.S.H.

Present day....

"Wait,if those cops told S.H.U.S.H. then why aren't they here?"asked Big Gino.Louie simply shrugged.He had no answer for that.

Two years later....

From ages 16 to 18 Louie was staying with Jerry.The reasoning behind this was because Louie was underage when he was near death, and the archaeology team thought it was best for Louie to stay with the person who saved him until 18,despite his desire to return him Duckburg, and his family.
Not that he didn't put those two years into good use.Louie found out that F.O.W.L. was stealing Scrooge's businesses,so with his silver tongue,managed to get them back.

Present day....

"You!You were the one!You were the one stealing the businesses that we stole from Scrooge!"said Big Gino.
Louie simply smirked at Big Gino.
"We had to relay on the Knight Templars' treasure to fund ourselves!"
Louie suddenly looked like he didn't care.

A few hours ago....

Louie had finally returned to Duckburg.He was nervous.He didn't know why F.O.W.L. was still active, but it still was,apparently.But that wasn't Louie's only problem.
He was so busy regaining Scrooge's businesses that he never bother to tell his family that he was alive.Or about F.O.W.L. Which,looking back,would of been a good idea.
Louie looked at the gates of McDuck Manor.He couldn't help but wonder if this was how how his mother felt after returning home after 10 years on the moon.Unfortunately,there didn't seem to be anyone home when he knocked.Hopefully,they were on some simple adventure.
But since Louie was home,he should tell somebody that he was alive, and about F.O.W.L.The first person he ran into wasn't a family member,or someone that was close to the family.It was a girl dressed in black named Vanessa.
"Wait, I thought you died,four years ago."Vanessa said after Louie told her who he was.
"No!"insisted Louie,who preceded to tell her everything that happened in the last four years.
"Huh,that explains so much."
"Explains what?"
Vanessa told Louie everything.Scrooge's businesses disappearing,Gizmoduck, and Darkwing retiring from the superhero world, and the family going their separate ways,to the point of not even talking to each other.With each word,Louie felt worse.
"This is awful!"said Louie. "I just came from McDuck Manor, and there was nobody there!"
"Well,there was a lot of people there a few hours before you came back."said Vanessa.
Louie thought for a moment.F.O.W.L.'s entire plan relayed on the family being torn apart.But if they were together,that meant F.O.W.L.'s plan had failed,or they made their move.
Louie had to check.There were people who could tell him which one happened.

* * *

It turns out,F.O.WL. had made their move.Thankfully,Louie had some allies of his own.Vanessa,Penumbra, and Emilie's sisters, Annebelle, Danielle, Izzy, and Kelly.But there was a problem,getting to Egypt.
"I know a pilot."said Annebelle.
"Yeah, I bet you do."snarked Louie.Vanessa snickered.Everybody knew Annebelle's reputation.
"No,I mean I know a pilot who can get us to Egypt."said Annebelle.
Louie smiled.A plan was forming in his mind.

Present day....

"So,what? You think your little team can defeat me?" asked Big Gino.
"No.But we can."said a voice.
Big Gino looked up.It was The Commission.

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