Gryo's Team

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Negaduck was excited.He was preparing Nathan for his attack on Gryo's team.Nathan was tied up with duct tape, and now Negaduck was now shoving cotton balls in the boy's mouth.
"Now,to go on the attack."said Negaduck when he was done.Nathan just looked at him.Even though he was two,Nathan knew Negaduck was trouble.Of course,the swirling eyes might have something to do with that.

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Gryo's team consisted of most of Team Hero, and Team Science,as such Gryo believed that they were not just the toughest team, but also the smartest team.Their plan was simple.Step One:Save Scrooge.Step Two:Figure out F.O.W.L. 's plan.Step Three:Defeat F.O.W.L.Gryo was confident that they would succeed.
But yet,at the same time,even though he wouldn't admit it, he was nervous.They hadn't ran into anybody on the way to the holding cells,which they were getting close to.There had to be a reason, but what?Did F.O.W.L. move their headquarters?Or were they walking into a trap?
Suddenly the lights went out.Gryo turned on Lil Bulb while B.O.Y.D. used his eyes to make things a bit brighter.Not that it helped much.There didn't seem to be anyone there.
"Gizmoduck,check the surroundings of other life forms."asked Gryo.Gizmoduck checked.
"There seems to be two life forms northeast of us."answered Gizmoduck after checking.Gryo didn't say anything.They could be friends.But they could also be F.O.W.L. agents.
"Do you want me to check it out?"asked Darkwing.Gryo still didn't say anything.Partly because he knew why Darkwing wanted to check it out, and second he didn't want anybody to go off on their own.
"No,we're all going."said Gryo. "But be vigilant."
Gryo had a good reason to be vigilant as soon as they moved a chainsaw was heard.
"Negaduck."said Darkwing.
"And he's got somebody with him."said Gizmoduck.
"It's probably Mr.McDuck."said Gyro. "Be ready."
The team prepared their weapons,except for Launchpad,who only had fists.Not that it would do any of them any good as the lights came back on.
As they expected it was Negaduck.But it wasn't Scrooge McDuck that was at his mercy.No,it was Nathan Crackshell-Cabrera.And Negaduck had him in his mercy in the cruelest way.
Negaduck had tied Nathan up with duct tape, and stuffed his mouth with cotton balls,making it very hard to breathe.And to top it off,Negaduck had his signature chainsaw on the tip of his head.
"You monster!" said Gandra. "What do you think your doing?" Gandra felt stupid for not moving, but Negaduck was a madman, and madmen weren't reasonable,so in her mind,it was best to do nothing.At least for now.
"I'm making sure you surrender."answered Negaduck. "If you don't, I'll cut this kid in half,but if you do,I'll let him live."
Nobody said anything.There had to be a way to save Nathan without surrendering.
"You're probably trying to figure out a way to save the boy without surrendering. I assure you that there isn't.As you can see,I put cotton balls in his mouth so the longer it takes you to decide to surrender or not,the shorter his life becomes."
"We have no choice but to surrender do we?"asked Gizmoduck.
"That depends,do you want your boy to live?"
"Seriously?Gizmoduck is making you take his place?Again?"asked Darkwing.
Negaduck face palmed himself.Even he knew that Fenton was Gizmoduck.
"Fine.We surrender."said Gizmoduck.
"Actually, I want to hear it from him."said Negaduck,pointing to Darkwing.
Darkwing didn't want to do it, but somebody's ,specifically,a child's,life was on the line.
"Fine."said Darkwing. "We surrender."
"Now was that so hard?"asked Negaduck.
'Yes.'thought Darkwing.

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Big Gino was smiling.His F.O.W.L. agents had captured most of Scrooge's family,his superheroes, and two of his employees.
"I'm winning Scroogey."said Big Gino.
"It's not over."said Scrooge.
"Your right.But it will be soon."

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