Matilda's Team

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Walt was walking with Claire.She looked so much like Gladstone.Expect the eyes.The gray eyes that every Duckman had.He didn't know what was wrong with him.After all,all he had to do was threaten Claire with her life so Gladstone, and Emilie would surrender.
Then it hit him.Emilie.Claire had the same eyes that Emilie had.Looking into them made him feel guilty about his past actions.Ruining her, and Gladstone's wedding.Sending them that doll with a demon in it with the intent to ruin their marriage.
Walt looked at Claire.What would things be like if he didn't join F.O.W.L.?The answer was simple.Emilie, and Gladstone's wedding wouldn't have been ruined.They wouldn't have to deal with a demon.But most of importantly,Claire would of known him as 'Uncle Walt',not a F.O.W.L. agent.He knew what he had to do.
"Claire."said Walt. "I want you to go back to the plane."
Claire simply looked confused.
"Go!Go back to the plane!"said Walt causing Claire to run.Now all he had to do was to get out of the Lost Library himself.Unfortunately,he found himself face to face with Ed.

* * *

Claire didn't know why the strange fowl man wanted her to go back to the plane.But she decided to listen, and with her luck,it would probably be easy to get back.
"Hey $20!"said Claire which she picked up.When she looked up,there was a strange man all dressed in black, and with him was an equally weird dressed woman.
"Hi!I'm Claire!Claire Gander!"said Claire.The strange man in black picked her up by the scruff of her shirt collar.Claire held onto her Snagglepuss plushie tightly.She did not like where this was going.

* * *

"And that's the plan."said Ludwig.Being held captured by F.O.W.L. for 30 years he had a pretty good idea of what to do.First was to find out F.O.W.L.'s plan.Then to split up with Emilie, and Gladstone going to save Scrooge,while Ludwig,and Matilda defeat Big Gino.It should of been easy.But it wasn't.
Phantom Blot, and Pepper arrived with Phantom Blot carrying Claire.
"What are you doing with Claire?"Gladstone, and Emilie asked together.Phantom Blot responded with pointed his gauntlet at Claire.
"Give up,or I take away her magic luck."threaten Phantom Blot.Gladstone didn't say anything.He didn't want Claire to suffer the same fate he had when Phantom Blot took away his luck.
Unfortunately,Emilie had other plans.
"Over my dead body!"yelled Emilie before attacking Pepper.
"Emilie!Wait!"said Gladstone.
"What if I let Phantom Blot take away my luck?"suggested Gladstone.Emilie thought.
"Okay."agreed Emilie as she got away from Pepper.It was better than surrendering.
Phantom Blot took away Gladstone's luck, and like before,he felt drained.And because of what happened last time, he felt helpless.
But Phantom Blot wasn't done with them yet.Gladstone's luck may of been gone, but they haven't surrendered yet.Thankfully for Phantom Blot, but unfortunately for Matilda,and her team,he knew how to get them to surrender.
Phantom Blot targeted Ludwig with his gauntlet, and blasted him.
"Ludwig!"Matilda, and Emilie yelled together.
"Uncle Ludwig!"screamed Gladstone.
"Grandpa Ludwig!"yelled Claire.
"Surrender or Matilda will get the same."threaten Phantom Blot.Emilie,Gladstone, and Matilda looked at each other.Ludwig was getting up, but it was clear that he was weakened by Phantom Blot's attack.
"Fine."said Matilda.

                                     * * *

"Well,look at that."bragged Big Gino. "Both of your sisters have surrendered.As has your only surviving brother-in-law, and your toughest nephew.Also has your adopted nephew, and C.F.O."
"Don't call Gladstone adopted!He's my nephew!"said Scrooge.
"Phhtt.Oh please,it's not like you really care."
"I do care!"
"Then act like it!" said Big Gino.Scrooge didn't say anything.
"What are you up to?Your plan doesn't make any sense!"
"Why would I tell you?If you can't figure it out-"said Big Gino.
Scrooge didn't say anything.What was Big Gino's plan?First,he tears the family apart.Then uses the children to get them to surrender?
Bradford's plan made sense.Steal the Missing Mysteries,get rid of all things unpredictable, and adventure.At least Bradford had something against the family,Big Gino didn't.
"You just might win."said Scrooge in horror.
"Oh,I'm very confident."

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