Louie's Team

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"What is the number one rule of the mob?"asked a member of the Commission.Big Gino didn't say anything.
"Don't draw attention to yourself."whispered Big Gino.The McDuck family looked at each other.Big Gino no longer looked cocky, and threatening.Now,he looked pathetic, and sad.
"Killing an entire family, and trying to take over the world draws attention to yourself!" said another member of the Commission.Big Gino didn't say anything.
"You've become a liability to us."said another member of the Commission as they took out a gun.
"Okay, I know all you McDucks know we're going to kill him, but we still want you to leave so you can honestly tell S.H.U.S.H. you don't know anything."said a Commission member.
"He's gone."said Della as she took the electric wires off of her,as the Commission brought some people to save the McDucks from Big Gino.
"Where did he go?"asked the first Commission member.
"Down here."said a Commission member looking down.
"Oh darn,he jumped."said a Commission member without a hint of empathy.
"Okay,this moment never happened."said the first Commission member. "Bye,now!"
Then the Commission left.
The family ignored the Commission, and were more concerned about Louie's presence.Suddenly,before Louie knew it,the entire family was hugging him.But Louie only had eyes for the four family members that weren't hugging him.Pahooey, Donna, Claire, and Nathan.
The last time he saw Pahooey, and Donna,they were two, and Claire was a newborn.And he never even met Nathan before.
"Lad!"said Scrooge. "You don't know how happy we are to see you!But what is this plan that you came up with?"
Louie smiled.

                                                                        *     *    *

The plane had just landed in front of the Lost Library.Louie noticed that there was another plane.The Sunchaser.He had to check to see if anyone was in there.Sadly,there wasn't.
"So this is the Lost Library huh?"said Vanessa.
"Yup,now come on. I've got a plan to defeat F.O.W.L. once, and for all."said Louie. "F.O.W.L.'s using the family's weaknesses against them.We can do the same to them.Annebelle,you take care of Steelbeak."
"I'll put my skills to good use."said Annebelle,flipping her hair.
"Penumbra,you go after Jeeves, and Rockerduck."said Louie.
"A job I'm sure I'll be good at."said Penumbra.
"Okay,since it's a bad idea for Izzy to go after Phantom Blot, and Pepper,Vanessa,you go them."
"I'm actually looking forward to it."said Vanessa.
"Now for Walt-"
"Walt dies today."said Izzy.
"Oh,okay."said Louie,suddenly feeling guilty. "Well,then.All there's left is Don Krange, and Negaduck.Who wants who?"
"Don Krange."said Danielle,Izzy, and Kelly.
"What?You can't all have Don Krange.One of you have to get Negaduck!"
Nobody said anything.
"Fine."said Louie. "We're all going after Negaduck."

* * *

Annebelle was walking around the Lost Library looking for Steelbeak.Finally she found him.Annebelle smiled.Time to do what she did best.
"Oh,hi!"said Annebelle in a flirtatious voice when she was walking towards Steelbeak.
"Wait,your one of the Duckmans,right?"said Steelbeak.
"You remember me!" said Annebelle as she fingered his coat lining. "I was hoping you would.You big,strong thing,you!"
"Well," said Steelbeak,turning red. "I do work out a lot."
"Why don't we see just how strong you are?"suggested Annebelle as she untied his tie.Steelbeak smiled.Like he was going to say no to that.

* * *

Penumbra was looking for John D. Rockerduck, and Jeeves.She knew with her training she would defeat them easily.She had training ever since F.O.W.L. was defeated last time.Penumbra wasn't going to let F.O.W.L. win again.
"What are you doing here?"said a voice.It was Rockerduck's.Danielle called Penumbra's training too extreme, and intense.But she felt it was necessary.
It was a difficult fight between Penumbra, and Jeeves.But Penumbra eventually won.Even better,she caused Jeeves's limbs to fall off.Unfortunately,Rockerduck ran off.

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Vanessa walked around the Lost Library in amazement.It was hard to believe that an organization that wanted to take over the world was located here.But she wasn't here to gawk.She was here to defeat Phantom Blot, and Pepper,whoever they were.
Admittedly,she didn't have the same skills that Louie did.And presumably the Duckman sisters too, but she was going to try.Suddenly a green blast hit her.
"Hey!That hurt!" said Vanessa.
It was Phantom Blot, and Pepper.They both looked confused.They thought she was magic.After all,like Magica De Spell,she wore black.
Even though Vanessa was new to all this,she was smart, and knew,right now, she had the upper hand.Something she took advantage of.Like Mrs.Beakley,she had a difficult time with Phantom Blot, but she managed.How, she had no idea.All she knew was a huge brick fell on Phantom Blot's arm,breaking it.Along with the gauntlet.
Perhaps she didn't defeat Phantom Blot.Perhaps it was the library falling apart.After all, it was old.

                                                                      *       *     *

Danielle, Izzy, and Kelly really had no problem finding Don Krange.After all,Izzy hadn't just foreseen F.O.W.L.'s return, but also their second downfall.So,the whole plan was to tell Don Krange what Izzy saw.
And if that failed,well,at least they know they'll win.Which they did.Apparently,Big Gino had bragged about his past mobster crimes,which included kidnapping Emilie, and Izzy.So Don Krange knew about Izzy's ability to see into the future.
Unfortunately,that meant they had to deal with Negaduck.But,like Don Krange,he fled.Whether or not this was a good thing or not was up to debate.

* * *

When the McDuck/Duck family came down to floor level of the library,they found Vanessa, Penumbra,Annebelle, Danielle, Izzy, and Kelly either sitting,or around the block that fall on Phantom Blot's arm.
"Yeah,Steelbeak's in the office."said Annebelle while checking her makeup.
Emilie face palmed herself.
'Of course.' she thought to herself.
But at least F.O.W.L. was defeated.For the most part.

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