Like A Roaring Tidal Wave

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[A/N: The Fatui get quite the unpleasant surprise but a joyful one for Lumine. *sneers and ducks Fatui being sent flying* Ooo~! Free level up material I'll take that thank you, that's talent and level stuff for Childe!! *grabs fatui badges and runs away* Oh enjoy the song I put for Childe~! I'm aware it took longer then planned to get this out and I apologize but I had to follow my doctor's orders.]


"Hand him over!"

"We know the Deserter is in there!"

Lumine and Aloy both proved an effective tag team as Lumine had set up a barrier of twisting thorny rose vines. Said vines reacting brilliantly with Aloy's cryo vessels she tossed to explode right in the advancing enemy's faces. But the fatui as always were so stubborn and annoying. "What is it about Snezhnayans and their stubborn streaks!?"Lumine thought sending a wave of geo crystal spikes as she dodged a blow from a mirror maiden. 

"Lumine, to the south one's trying to reach the doors!"yelped Aloy easily a blow from one very large and buff brute.

Lumine paled at seeing the sniper was taking aim for he door with his pyro rifle and that caused something in her to snap. With a furious howl she raced forward to brutally and viciously without a speck of mercy let loose a barrage of anemo, electro, and dendro at the fiend. Causing the man to scream in agony. "Nobody is getting past these doors!!"

"S-Scary..."squeaked Paimon. "Remind Paimon not to get on your bad side during pastry day at the diner..."

"She's got a temper just as bad as Rost."chuckled Aloy. 

Paimon though let out a startled and worried squeak at spotting some had managed to break through their defense. "Aloy, Lumine! They broke through and are sneaking in through the windows!"

The girls' blood ran frigid as they then and there decided to split up. Aloy would remain at the doors as she was fine holding her own. Lumine being the faster of the two gave chase leaping into the window after the attackers. What she discovered was Cyno, polearm in hand as his vision glowed ominously his sharp copper amber as he stood his ground between the Fatui that had injured and knocked out Shanika, made a mess of his lab, and were no trying to reach Ajax who lay there struggling severely for his life. 

"Oh good you arrived now help me get rid of these imbeciles out of my lab!"snarled Cyno, not impressed by this distraction. He had less then five minutes to administer the finished antidote and this was not helping!

"Go help him!"shouted Lumine in agreement as she charged at the fatui assassins. Cyno wasting no time to target the mage that had snatched the antidote that was a vivid cryo icy blue in hue in a glass bottle of some sort. Snarling he went in as paimon joined him to help try and get the bottle while he kept the stupid mage busy. Lumine meanwhile not showing an ounce of mercy for the assassin as steel grinded against steel. Her eyes before the Fatui starting to give a very faint golden glow.

"You'll never be able to save him, no deserters escape punishment."snarled her foe.

"There's a first time for everything you stupid fatui!"snapped Lumine as she sent him flying into the bookcases. That caused them to break and send books and old scrolls flying everywhere.

"My books!"Cyno yelped in dismay at the sight. Thankfully he had sent the mage flying back out the window. 

"Sorry Cyno!"giggled Lumine in apology. "Just hurry ok? I'll get you new bookcases later!"

Three minutes...

Cyno wasted no time hurrying with the healing potion in hand straight for the ginger haired Snezhnayan. By now the deadly rash of the poison had spread almost all over his body like a consuming disease. Barely breathing at this point as he propped his head up carefully in his hands and managed to get Ajax to drink it. However the assassin had managed to to get through, somehow breaking Lumine's sinister looking sword. Her cries of distressed pain as she collided with his other bookcases. The fatui agent now on the brutal and one very pissed off Sumerulite allogene. Reactions from Cyno's vision going off left and right after the bottle had been shattered in his hand. "He took the majority of that potion but not all of it...please let that be enough oh Lesser Lord Kusanali..."prayed Cyno in his mind desperate to keep the brute away.

Two minutes...

"Cyno!!"Lumine wailed from where she lay trapped under the book case, hurt but alright as Cyno too was sent flying across the room. "Finally. Lord Harbinger and her majesty will be most pleased once I bring them your head!"chuckled the agent as he moved to grab Ajax.

"AJAX!!"they screamed.

What they did not see was the trickle of a very ominous power starting to form around his hands. it happened all too fast but lumine had been able to keep up her eyes flashing a very faint gold briefly as the sound of agony, shrill and surprised. Standing with a confidant sneer as he glanced over his shoulder was Ajax. "Now, did you really think you could get rid of me so easily?"he taunted. His normally brilliant cerulean blue eyes now a deep abyssal blue As in his hands was a pair of duel blades made of abyssal energy. 

"B-But how!? You were at death's door!!"snarled the agent trying to stumble to his feet. 

Ajax would have none of it especially seeing the state lumine was in as Cyno and Paimon tried to get her out from the mountain of books and the fallen book cases. There were clear injuries...injuries not from training. It made him get a look lumine had not seen since Inazuma and Ei. "He's angry....very angry."she thought.

"You should all know by now I never go down without a fight. but I don't appreciate your dirty tactics."he hissed. "Even in my state you're not even a warm up."

The trio flinched and cringed watching Ajax brutally beat up the agent before sending him flying out the door. The sound of the rest retreating as well as Ajax began to sway. "Damn I overdid it."he groaned as he began to fall. Cyno and Lumine bolting forward just in time to catch him. He was still white as a sheet but the rash was gone and the fever while it lingered wasn't dangerously high to their relief as Aloy returned.

"Ajax, you alright?"lumine asked. She could just feel him trembling each breath still clearly painful.

"I'm exhausted..."he groaned.

"Looks like it worked, we made it in time Traveler."Cyno smiled as they helped support him. Cyno's confirmation bringing smiles to the girls face.

"Hmn...ojou-chan?"Lumine glanced over at Ajax who was struggling to stay awake tears of joy in her eyes.

"Yes Ajax?"she asked.

"....I hope you don't mind but I'm going back to sleep...I'm tired."he hummed as his eyes changed back to cerluean blue as they began to droop close.

"Hey! You're not sleeping on the floor!"But it was already too late as his soft snore raked their ears. He was dead weight in their arms and it had resulted in both her and Cyno to fall with him crushing him being much taller then they were. 

"UGH...seriously you fool of a Snezhnayan!?"grumbled Cyno, "I should turn you into a fox for this!" Lumine though could only laugh at this situation. A hardy, brilliant and breezy laugh she hadn't let loose in days. Aloy smiling as she came over to lend a hand as Paimon went to check on Shanika. Ajax was safe now and now on the long road to recovery and she couldn't be more happier.

To Be Continued...


[A/N: YAY!!! Childe's going be ok!! Now he just has to rest and recover. But unfortunately Lumine's sword is now broken so what sword shall we give her? its between mist splitter, freedom sworn, and black sword. I'm leaning towards mist splitter sword but I'd like you guys to pick. Childe will receive polar star bow between chapters.]

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