Farewell, Hiroaki

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[A/N: Chilumi return to Inazuma after being asked back by Yae for some help. They run into Gorou who seems to be struggling with his fear of Yae. Enjoy some Ghibli ost just cause too. Now I adore Gorou he and Yae are what got me introduced and into Genshin Impact but it was characters like Childe, Lumine, Xiao, Zhongli, Kokomi, and a few others mixed with lore and story that got me hooked. I didn't get to pull on Itto banner to have Gorou but I hope you all got this sweet heart and you give him all the cake and ramen he wants.]


"Do we really have to?"

Lumine sighed at Paimon's and Ajax's annoyance at them having to help out Miko today. The kitsune getting them to make a delivery. But lugging all these crates of books for the Cultural Festival was getting a little annoying. But apparently a lot had transpired since they had arrived. The ordeal with Ei yesterday and the sacred sakura and the nation's border's opening back up being the biggest. But Lumine couldn't shake the whispered name in her mind and Ajax couldn't shake why did Lumine's eyes glow briefly like Ei's when the goddess had planted that seed or when Makoto's spirit had appeared before them. "It's just too weird...Lumine are you even human?"he thought as he watched the blonde and the fairy's banter. Lumine seemed to tire easily these days and slept in more often. Concerned he had checked her for a fever as she slept in again earlier today. But he had found nothing wrong at all. It was suspicious to the former harbinger lost in his thoughts.


"Huh, what?"Lumine waved her hand in front of his eyes startling him.

"You weren't answering, Lumine geez. We finished dropping off all the manuscripts for the books Miko's publishing."huffed Paimon.

"Something bothering you?"Lumine wondered.

"No, just thinking is all girlie."he hummed ruffling her hair, making her pout as she swatted his hand away. 

"Oh come on, you can tell me!"pleaded Lumine.

"Nope, me to know and for you to find out~!"snickered the ginger archer.

"Ajax, no fair!!" Their laughter and playful banter continued as they went up towards the stairs, passing a mask salesman along the way that spring afternoon in March. February seemed so far away now to them in fact.

"Don't be ridiculous! I'm a high ranking general of Watatsumi Island, how could I do such a thing?"The trio stopped at hearing that anxious shout from one very familiar source.

"Was that Gorou just now?"Lumine wondered.

"Coming from up ahead, lets go look."the girls nodded at the suggestion. The three of them hurrying up the stairs until they saw Gorou. With him was Miko and instantly Lumine understood why Gorou was so flustered. Miko probably had something to do with it.

"Awww~! it's ok, no need to be embarrassed. The desire to cuddle up to a soft tail is quite natural for beastkin like you."hummed Miko. Ajax couldn't help but break into laughter at the very idea.

"You hug your tail while sleeping?"laughed Ajax. However he was soon yelping in pain as Lumine reached up and tugged his ear. "Ow ow ow!"

"It's not funny!"spat Lumine and Gorou. Lumine then turned her attention to Miko, "And Miko, that's enough."

"It's you, Lumine-san and Ajax-san! Oh thank Oroboshi-sama!"greeted Gorou once he realized who had come to his rescue. The trio offering smile in greeting.

"Hi Gorou, is Miko giving you a hard time again?"chuckled Ajax.

"When is she not?"groaned Gorou anxiously. "Please save me!"

"Oh and how's my favorite little one and former harbinger doing? I didn't expect to meet you three here, we were just talking about tails and grooming."Miko hummed. 

"Oh shut it, you know we were in the area doing your work...again."growled Lumine. That had taken them aback big time. Lumine seemed so fast to fly off the handle these days and a little bit scary. Usually it took Ajax sparring with her to calm her down. "Easy there girlie, you're tired and haven't eaten anything yet."Ajax soothed.

"I take it you finished the task?"the trio nodded at her question. Satisified Miko grinned in amusement her ear giving a light twitch as she left. Lumine's scent was far more intense it seemed. The smell of lilies and stars far more aggressive. How interesting this was as she left them and Gorou alone. The couple along with Gorou and Paimon going off to help him with his advice article using his pen name, Miss Hina. But there was one question weirdly enough came from Gorou's own fellow troops back at Watatsumi. So Ajax, Lumine, and Paimon went with him back to Watatsumi to find this person. With everything at peace the man wanted to leave Watatsumi's military, which saddened Gorou but they assured comrades would remain that, no matter where they were. Which brought them to their current situation on the shoreline of the island. 

"I'll take my leave then, General Gorou-sama, Captain Lumine-sama, and Ajax-sama."informed Hiroaki.

"You stay safe now, alright Hiroaki?"grinned Lumine.

"There's no bad weather so the trip to the main island should go smoothly."agreed Ajax.

"Yes, take care!"smiled Gorou.

Hiroaki smiled as he grabbed his bag and got into the boat before pushing off and began to sail away. Well row away but who was checking anyways? Either way the now former samurai was leaving service to return home and settle down. But as they waved goodbye Hiroaki soon went out of sight. Gorou becoming crestfallen as a result. "I suppose that was alright...I guess...Or should I say it was for the best? Lumine-san and Ajax-san."he sighed as his ears drooped.

"Gorou, it'll be alright."Lumine assured.

"You'll see each other again."Ajax assured confidently with a hand to his hip. "There's no stronger bonds then ones forged in the heat of battle after all."

"You're right. This is how it should be...it should leave you with a big bright smile on your face just like this."Gorou then gave his friends the brightest smile he could, his tail wagging happily behind him. The light of the setting sun painting the sky in pastel hues. However this innocent moment and laughter didn't last as the boys started rough housing to Lumine's amusement. For in rushed one frantic shrine maiden.

"General Gorou! General Gorou!"she called.

"What's wrong?"he questioned. The frantic and panicking maiden soon spotting Captian Lumine and Ajax. 

"Oh and Captian Lumine with you? Good Lady Kokomi will be pleased then. We need all the help we can get."the maiden urged.

"What's up?"Ajax wondered.

"It's Enkanomiya. The way to Enkamoya has opened and the hero we selected to fetch the blood coralbranch has gone missing!!"the maiden informed. All eyes turned wide but now were more startled then Gorou. With haste the small group rushed back to the heart of the island. Enkanomiya had opened but what would lie in it's depths as they hurried after Gorou was urged by Kokomi to join Lumine and Ajax as support? Only time would tell.

To Be Continued...


[A/N: Enkanomiya arc next chapter!!! Ajax about to discover some shocking truths but so is Lumine. Also sorry it took awhile, 2.7 was super busy for Xiaolumi for me among other things.]

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