Divine Lullaby

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[A/N: Chilumi make it back to Liyue, deciding to stay after Zhongli's invitation into his home. Assured Ajax is safe, Lumine turns her focus to Ajax's recovery. After this will be a small timeskip. Oh I'll be frank, I'll be combining the archon quest interlude with Lantern Rite for Chilumi cause at this point we've hit full on AU due to season 2. :D]


The soft falling snow like a gentle, slowed rain covered much of the colder nations of Teyvet. A shimmering blanket of fluffy chilly white as rivers and streams frozen over. The storm picking up a bit as three girls hurried into the city of Liyue Harbor, taking the road from towards the Chasm. One them a blonde the other with ginger and the last a silver haired celestial fairy. Quickly as they could they ran, Lumine slipping on the ice.

"Lumine careful!"Aloy called moving to go catch her. only Lumine ended up being caught instead by a tall, lean ombre haired man not familiar to Aloy.

"Woah there, do be more careful Miss Lumine."chuckled Zhongli as Lumine moved away with an embarrassed giggle.

"Sorry and thank you for breaking my fall."Lumine then realized who it was and offered a warm smile in greeting. "Its good to see you Zhongli."

"You as well."Zhongli looked overed and offered a smile in greeting as he looked around. "This young lady a friend of your's? Is Ajax not with you?"

"I'm Aloy, nice to meet you."she greeted.

"Ajax is staying in my house right now and should be resting. I didn't want him over exerting himself while still recovering."Lumine informed. This alone brought some relief to the former archon's face. 

"The weather is worsening, why don't you come stay with me? I have more then enough room at my home and my door is always open to you Miss Lumine."he offered. The girls more then eager to accept. So swiftly as they safely could they followed after Zhongli straight for his home on the outskirts and quickly inside. "You can bring Ajax out from the serenitea pot. No harm will come to him here."he assured taking off his coat and shoes. Aloy in the mean time hurried to go stoke the fire with Paimon at her side as Lumine hurried down the hall after Zhongli. Taking her to the spare bedroom he opened the door and turned the lights on before going to the trunk and pulled out some spare quilts. 

"This room should suffice yours and Ajax's needs. If you require anything else I'll be just down the hall in my personal study."Zhongli stated after finishing setting up the bed.

"Once again thank you."Lumine smiled as he gave one in return and left.

Lumine wasted no time hopping into her teapot then coming back out with one drowsy ginger haired Snezhnayan. With a sigh he more then relieved to snuggle back up under the covers, shivering a bit from the room being a tad cold still. "Sorry drag you out from my house and your room. Are you cold?"Lumine asked walking over to bring over another blanket.

"Hmphhm...I still feel like somebody playing pyro and cryo with my body."he admitted glancing over groggily. He'd only been on the medicine that Cyno gave for a week now and it was helping. However, Lumine knew according to Cyno it would take time and the fever would linger within a few more weeks. With care she put the third blanket on him and pulled it over his shoulders before pulling up the near by chair and tenderly pet his hair. Her hand moving to rest briefly on his forehead.

"You are still a bit warm, but Shanika and Cyno did say the fever would be a tad stubborn but that would be normal for you to get better."Lumine hummed softly. Ajax to her surprise reached up and pulled her down and onto the bed right into his arms. "Eeiii!!! A-Ajax what are you doing!?"

"Too cute, I couldn't resist wanting to just hold you Ojou-chan."he hummed happily nuzzling up to her and keeping her close. Lumine giving a small smile before adjusting herself so she was sitting up and had him lie his head on her lap. His arms moving to wrap around her waist line. Just content as he enjoyed the slow and gentle caresses in his hair he had grown so used to by now. 

"You big dork."she teased softly.

"But you love me anyways and I'm your dork."he said looking up with his signature carefree smile. His reward was Lumine bending down and give him a soft and tender kiss. That alone set his spirit to soar to the heavens in delight. "When I'm better how about that date and a spar?"he mumbled sleepily.

"Of course as soon as I get a new sword we'll spar."she promised with a loving grin returning to running her hand through his hair. To his surprise she had started to softly sing a tune not known to him or anywhere in this world but it was soft ethereal as she sang the soft lullaby:

Summer Star, Why are you so red

Because, I had a sad dream last nightMy eyes are red from the tears I've shedSwollen as I cried

Summer Star, Why've you lost your way?
I'm searching for a child whose gone afar
He can't be found, though I've searched all day
My sad dreams come once more

The song was odd but not terrible to Ajax as he found himself drift off to sleep. But it was strange, he swore he had just seen her honey amber eyes give a very weak glow. How strange but his mind was a thick fog. Did he imagine it or was the mild fever playing games with him? His beloved blonde was human wasn't she? He didn't know and it was bugging him. But he felt so tired and found himself unable to fight the soothing motions of her had combined with her gentle, otherworldly melody. it did not take long for sleep to embrace him as Lumine just contently stayed where she was humming the tune.

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Song is one of my favorites from actually weirdly enough a filler arc from Naruto. I thought it'd fit here. Next chapter Ajax's all better due to beauty of timeskip~! Lumine and Ajax will have their new weapons of Mistsplitter and Polar Star then.]

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