Returning A Dream

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[A/N: Ajax's going to be fine, yay! Some teapot time before we timeskip slight. But his treatment isn't over yet. But now our small group shift focus to rest and recovering as winter takes hold. Just take it easy for now, Ajax don't push yourself too much. If I had to pick a theme song for Season 3 of Chilumi I have to say its the song above I provided this chapter.]


A few days had passed since the entire ordeal that had been a stressful, living hell. A race against the clock that was it had been to save the messy haired Fatui deserter. Since the ordeal The girls had moved Ajax to a room at an inn here in Sumeru. As usual the city of scholar was a buzzing bee hive of activity. Students, scientists, mages, and everything in between racing to hurry to wherever their daily tasks was taking them. Some stopping to grab tea or coffee along the way as Lumine and Aloy passed them by carrying some supplies. 

"Shame Cyno couldn't join us. Something about going off to investigate something?"Aloy hummed adjusting the bag of food in her arms.

"Can't be helped, his research keep him busy and Shanika got sent out for her own studies too. But I'm not sure where."Lumine sighed. But a smile remained on her face as she stopped to put her own supplies for herself and Ajax and Paimon away in her dimensional storage. 

"How are you able to do that?"Aloy wondered.

"Hm? What that lil' trick? I've always been able to do it since I was little. Though I caught onto it faster then my brother. Its handy to and easier to store everything including my sword in a pocket dimension."Lumine giggle just as they arrived at the inn and hurried up the stairs. Aloy looked intrigued and decided to try. With a ripple of not starlight but a white, breezy light Aloy had achieved the same feet putting her own travel supplies in her storage. 

"Hey go back to bed! Lumine going to get mad at Paimon again if you don't stupid Tart Tart!"came a sharp, high pitched protest.

"Aw but your no fun!" came a hoarse cough.

The girls grew curious and concerned as they heard this ruckus as they reached the suite Lumine and Ajax had been sharing. What they saw was a rather comical and chaotic scene of Paimon trying to keep the exharbinger confined to his bed...and utterly failing at it. Ajax was using the near by nightstand for support, still rather unsteady on his feet. His face to flushed with the slowly receding fever. His cerulean eyes growing wide at spotting on very annoyed ginger and one crossed blonde. "Uh oh..."he thought.

"AJAX CAELI!!"Ajax flinched at the sharpness of Lumine's tone. She rarely ever used that tone on him for anything. The only other time she had was at Golden House and back in the jungle. "Cyno told you to rest! The poison's gone but your body needs time to recover."she scolded.

"But it's so boring Ojou-chan..."he sighed in annoyance as the petite blonde got him to at least sit down. His dark violet shirt he had on right now completely unbuttoned to revealed his bandages covering his injuries. Lumine sighed only to shake her head giving his cheek a soft kiss.

"I know it's hard but hang in there a bit longer. Cyno said the treatment lasts until the end of January. if you can hold out and behave we...we can go on that date we never got back during moonchase."she soothed. That instantly made his eyes light up delight.

"Promise?"Lumine smiled grabbing his pinky with her own.


Aloy meanwhile Had been peeking out the window as her brows furrowed. "I hate to break up your lil' lovers debate but you two can't stay in Sumeru much longer. Those Fatui are still searching and your ma----er, partner is in no shape still to fend off a mob."Aloy hissed.

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