A/N: Unfortunate Announcement

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This is a difficult one for me to write. But  I have made the choice to discontinue my Chilumi series. Try as I might i can't find any motivation to write this series like I do with Xiaolumi with is far more flushed out. This saddens me but there are other reasons for this choice too.

1. My Health.

As of last year i was diagnosed with a very rare brain condition known as IIH or Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertension after many trips to countless doctors and specialists. This condition unfortunately means my head isn't draining spinal fluid as it should which is putting huge pressure on my brain. I was at serious risk of going blind. Then came a string of chronic ear infections which on top of this damaged my ears to point i had get hearing aids this year. i also find I can't dish out chapters as often as i used to when i had started Chilumi back when I first began which saddens me.

2. Time 

I may have bitten more then i could chew i realize now. But back then i had no idea what the future would hold for my health and wellfare(I'm fine now but i have days I'm unwell). I've been trying to and FORCED to make a lot of big life changes which includes less computer time. I'm trying get out when I'm well enough and manage my time better now that the pendemic is over in Canada.


When I started Chilumi it was one of my first genshin fanfics and one of my favorite ships. I still love Chilumi but my interest in Chilumi has waned that writing it is no longer fun. Especially writing same game event stuff over and over. It began to feel like a chore and not something I wanted to do. It also was not as fleshed out and as planned out as much as I do Xiaolumi. Which lowered my resolve and motivation and esteem even more until it hit writer's block and absolute zero.

I truly am sorry for those I kept letting down for Chilumi again and again. It hurts but I have to do this for my sanity and even both physical and mental health. I won't remove the stories so please enjoy them to your heart's content. I wish everyone well and maybe I'll see my Chilumi readers for my Star Rail short stories and for Xiaolumi too. I wish you all the best and thank you for the support you did give.

~To the stars & the abyss, Aria Snow.

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