Of Lanterns & Fireworks

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[A/N:  I'm aware this took awhile to get back to and writer's block is a jerk!! But with the 2.7 delay I thought now was perfect timing. I should mention do to what happened, Chilumi will not have seen nor been apart of the Shenhe Archon Interlude like Xiaolumi. As such, they don't know Shenhe and don't know about Beisht. Ajax must still keep a low profile but finally gets that date they were denied at Moonchase.]


Cheerful laughter filled the hustling and bustling harbor city as all around lanterns of various sizes strung up and hung. People coming and going both young and old, local and visiting alike. Smiles on their faces as children ran with sparklers in hand. Some carrying boxes of fireworks for the spectacular show that would no doubt take place. Among these people was one particular trio of a floating silver haired celestial fairy girl dashing to stall to stall for food hot off the grill. The other a tall man in a cloak with the hood over his head being pulled along by the smiling excited petite sun kissed blonde. 

"Woah! S-slow down, Lumine!"the boy yelped, swiftly grabbing his hood so it wouldn't reveal his face. "I know your excited and so am I, but please have mercy on my arm."

"Awww~! But Ajax there's a stall over there I wanna go try that is giving away the cutest plushies if we can solve the shadow puppet."urged Lumine.

"And Paimon sees a yummy food stall that way~!"giggled Paimon pointing excitedly to a grilled fish stall.

"When are you not hungry? In fact why are you with me and girlie on our date?"sighed Ajax.

"Paimon's not following you, you're just always where Paimon's going right now."chuckled the fairy with a shrug. She had agreed to give Lumine and the exharbinger their space so they could enjoy their time together. So with a wave and a smile the fairy went off, assuring she'd catch up with them tomorrow.

"And she's gone."giggled Lumine with an amused shake of her head, hands on hips. Lumine with a smile hurried over to the game stall with the shadow puppet game. The ginger archer hot on her heels. The joy on Lumine's face was better then mora as he handed her the stuffed toy geo slime she happily hugged tight in her arms. It made him almost jealous of the silly toy, which was bizarre. 

"Happy with it?"he inquired.

"Yeah. I'm usually really good at puzzles but that last one was hard, so thanks for helping."Lumine grinned brightly as she clutched the plushie close. Her cheer and praise actually made the ginger haired Snezhnayan chuckle rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Nah it was nothing. I'm just glad your enjoying yourself."he assured. 

"No, really it means a lot."Lumine suddenly turned more somber. Her mind turning back to events last year. She had almost lost him due to his recklessness....that had and still left her shaken. She had to keep reminding herself he was alive and right beside her, healthy and smiling as her gaze turned upward. "Hm?"

"What's up girlie?"Ajax wondered then turned his own azure eyes to the sky. What he saw made his jaw drop along with the blonde that gawked at it. Before them was the Jade Chamber floating in the sky not far from the Golden House. Just like nothing had happened. Just how much had they missed!?


"Forget 'when', girlie the better question is how!? Better yet are the Qixing going to skin me alive for coming back to Liyue Harbor?"gawked Ajax.

"I don't know, will we?"Lumine and Ajax turned around to see someone very familiar. They had stopped by the fireworks stall where stood the young lilac purple haired member of the Qixing herself, Keqing. Her arms crossed and glaring at the cloaked and anxious Snezhnayan himself. "Hello Traveler, it's great to see you but I'm not so sure about your choice in company."she sighed in greeting. 

"Heh heh...Hi Lady Keqing...."grinned Ajax unsure what to say. By the death glares the Yuheng was giving him clearly she hadn't forgiven him for the Osial incident. "Not that I blame her but come on!"he thought with an annoyed sigh.

"Good to see you Keqing but do you mind taking it easy on him? I think he's suffered enough especially after recently leaving the Fatui in favor of being an adventurer."Lumine whispered as she pulled her friend aside. The insistant and pleading look on her face making the young Yuheng grin as she began to connect the dots.

"Your on a date aren't you?"Keqing hummed. At the way Lumine turned fifty shades of pyro archon red Keqing began to giggle. "I knew it! Don't worry I won't give you two a hard time. I may not like him but he clearly makes you happy...am I correct?"

"Yes, Ajax means a lot to me and we push each other to get stronger. He's my best friend and boyfriend...s-so please don't tell anyone he's here..."Keqing smiled at her friend and nodded making Lumine hug the electro sword user in delight. Ajax always keen and clever was fast to catch on what was going on. The young ginger haired hydro user smiling in relief. 

"Anyways are you both here for the Lantern Rite?"Keqing asked in delight, "Your timing couldn't be any better, Lumine. The preparations for the show are almost complete."

Ajax soon grew curious as he turned his gaze over to the cart and stall full of the finished fireworks. "Whatcha working on there little miss Yuheng?"he wondered.

"Actually, I'm curious too. What're you working on, Keqing?"Lumine wondered.

"I'm reviewing the fireworks' positioning and double checking the relevant facilities...All in a day's work."Keqing explained.

"Busy as a buzzing cicin as always I see. But forgive my bluntness, Miss Keqing but...Can't you delegate a task like this to the other staff?"Ajax wondered.

"No, no it's fine...er...Ajax was it? I can handle it fine."Keqing hastily and stubbornly insisted. Swiftly Keqing brushed his words and Lumine's concerned looks aside to address the man nearby named Pengyi in regards to the fireworks before turning her attention back to Lumine and Ajax. "Oh, as for you Lumine you're our esteemed guest so please, you and your boyfriend enjoy the festivities. And please...keep him from causing any trouble."

"Don't worry Keqing I'll be sure he stays on his best behavior."Lumine glancing over with a grin. "Won't you Ajax?"

"I'm practically an angel~! Can't you see the halo?"he grinned in his usual carefree way.

"More like horns."mumbled Keqing.

"Say something, Keqing?"Ajax wondered.

"N-Nothing! Oh look at the time, so much to do and so little time, bye~!"Lumine and Ajax could only stare dumbfounded as Lumine's busy friend raced away. That had been...well, bizarre. With a shrug they continued on their way running into Zhongli, Hu Tao, Gouba, and Xiangling at Third Round Knockout. The two more then happy to catch up with their friends. Though Lumine spent most of the time giving Hu Tao a wide birth, hiding behind Zhongli and Ajax. Something Ajax couldn't figure out as to why until Zhongli told him of the prank his boss had pulled, not realizing Lumine was terrified of ghosts. 

They also ran into a few others Lumine knew well until later that night Ajax helped Lumine up onto a good spot on top one of the roofs, as they went off the smile on her face was all he needed. How beautiful she was under the light of the fireworks show. It was almost ethereal somehow as Lumine moved over snuggle up in his lap and arms. He hoped this moment wouldn't end with this astonishing girl that could put the very stars in the heavens to shame.

To Be Continued....

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