Domains of Treasure(Lemon Warning)

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[A/N: Indiana Jones style mischief in a Domain!? Yes please! I should mention while I'm not a fan of writing lemons/smut as its super easy for stories become that with no plot I'll make an exception if the plot calls for it on occasion and I will ALWAYS give warning first. Now I gotta go bully a ley line tree!! It's refusing to give me any crit circlets grr!! *grabs my claymore and goes off to farm artifacts*]


Contains mature subject matter of couples being/implied/suggestive sexually intimate towards the end of this chapter!! Please skip if you are not comfortable with or are under 18yrs of age!!


The area was a calm one with a small lake area that shimmered bright in the sun like a mirror as it glistened. Tucked away in a cliff was some kind of strange gate or door made of stone. It was ancient in structure and design. The flora and trees around the area being blown by the wind with gentle caress as lone cranes startled by the trio took to the air. Lumine and Ajax carefully hopping down from the cliff as they tucked and rolled to blunt the fall. 

"Well here we are."Lumine stated as they brushed themselves off.

"A door? Is this what I think it is, girlie?"he asked curiously.

"Wait your not going to...?"Lumine nodded at the fairy making her pout. "Great Paimon has to wait out here again."

"Its alright, now be good and wait and we'll be back before evening."assured Lumine as she walked over to push open the door.

"Fine...But Paimon still doesn't get why Paimon is unable to follow in those places."she huffed. All she could do was watch as the couple entered and vanished through the doors.

What had welcomed them was a massive yet some how small chamber as they ascended the stairs into the room

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What had welcomed them was a massive yet some how small chamber as they ascended the stairs into the room. Ajax unable to stop his curiosity as he looked around. He had heard of many places like this but some reason very few could successfully enter. What had baffled him was why couldn't the pipsqueak follow them inside here!? Lumine what's more her eyes had glowed during their jump through the rift in space and time...or had they? He still was very confused and unsure. 

"I never thought I'd get to see a place like this."he grinned in his usual carefree manner.

"Oh? You've never been inside a domain leyline like this?"Lumine asked as they stopped by some kind of glowing red mechanism. 

"No, but I heard stories from my father. Apparently only those with vision or the like can actually enter these places. I was never sure why when I was little. Speaking of which why couldn't Paimon follow us?"he asked.

"That I-I can't say for sure but it's like somebody doesn't want her following me in these places. Every time I enter it feels like I'm being watched and tested."she mused crossing her arms briefly in thought. it was strange but now that she thought about it every time she reached an area with these fossilized trees as she went through those rifts in space and time...she felt nostalgic warmth. A familiarity she was no way could ever forget and long to find and yet, she couldn't recall her face. Why couldn't she remember her face!? 

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