Awkward Moment

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[A/N: Enkanomiya Arc start!! This will be a huge one for Chilumi as they discover many things including a revelation on Paimon, Kokomi, and more. As usual that also means a new opening song too for this arc, which is perfect for Lumine and you'll know soon why once we reach Enka. Chilumi soon arrive back in Inazuma after the Lantern Rite Festival. Paimon ends up triggering a rather awkward moment after some events...]

May contain some suggestive romantic content.


A couple weeks had passed since Lantern Rite and it was now almost April. The sight of the spring taking complete hold over the Nation of Eternity in the distance as the small silver haired fairy hummed piloting the small boat. The small celestial fairy stopping the boat at the docks before floating down the steps to knock on the door. "Wake up Lumine and Ajax we're in Inazuma now!"came her high pitched and impatient cry. On the other side of the door over in the cot, a sleepy groan answered. Bleary honey amber eyes slowly began to open as she slowly began to sit up, the sheets barely concealing the young blonde's bare body as she mumbled feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind as the tall battle scarred ginger haired Snezhnayan came to sit beside her. His upper torso bare from him still getting dress, his shirt unbuttoned.

"Good morning, girlie. Still sore are we?"Ajax mumbled soft in her ear, giving her neck a playful nip. 

"A little, you weren't exact gentle but neither was I."she yawned rubbing the side of her head. Ajax was ravenous at times it seemed if it wasn't for combat it was more intimate. If she didn't push him on with that competitive streak he always would, as bold as he was. 

"Come on hurry up and wake up already!"came Paimon's sharp cry. "That's it Paimon's coming inside." If Lumine wasn't awake before she was now as both Lumine and Ajax started to panic. "Paimon don't you dare!"they screamed in a frantic fright scrambling for the door. The two tripping over each other to land with a harsh thud with Lumine on top of the messy ginger haired Snezhnayan. But too late as the door opened before either of them could reach and hold it close. "Why oh why did we forget to lock the damn thing!?"were their shared thoughts. Both redder then blood on a sharpened blade at seeing Paimon. The sight Paimon saw was one naked Lumine and partly dressed Ajax in a tangled pile on the floor with her friend in a rather compromising position. 

"Pamon it's not what it looks like!"Lumine cried sharply covering herself fruitless attempt to maintain some modesty. It did not take long for Paimon to instantly grow beat red as she covered her poor eyes and let out an embarrassed squeal, turning her back to them.

"Eeeeiiii!!! Paimon's poor eyes! Paimon didn't mean to c-crash in on you both so P-Paimon will be just up on deck."the poor fairy yelped as she raced away closing the door sharply behind her. leaving for one very awkward silence as the two stared at the door blushing hard. 

"Paimon wait — Ugh...and she's gone."Lumine facepalmed at this entire situation. 

"Oops. I knew I forgot something last night."chuckled Ajax in equal frustrated embarrassment. Only to end up having Lumine start smack him over the head. "Ow! Hey, easy there girlie!"


It had taken hours to get Paimon to understand the situation that had happened as they with invitation in hand; some how they managed to do it

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It had taken hours to get Paimon to understand the situation that had happened as they with invitation in hand; some how they managed to do it. They now made their way to the Kamisato Clan's estate. But not without another sparring match and on top of it even a contest on who could take out the most monsters in the area. Leaving them both covered in cuts, slashes, and even a few bruises that were starting to form. Yet the smiles remained bright on their faces as Lumine watched Ajax toss that cicin mage's badge up in the air before catching it like some coin. 

"That was too easy."he grinned before laughing.

"Are you here to play with me?"giggled Lumine as she mimicked the mage, tone and all as she hopped and swerved on her foot so that she was walking backwards in front of him. Paimon and Ajax laughing at her playful teasing. Lumine out of mischief shooting a very weak bolt of electro at Ajax who easy deflected it with a flick of a tiny bit of hydro.

"Boo! No fair!"

"Nice try girlie."

"Paimon swears you guys are always fooling around and when not doing that your fighting each other. Like look at you too, you're still sparking with electro and look like something the rifthounds chewed up."shrugged Paimon with a sigh, crossing their arms as they nears the gates. The guard looking baffled at the state Lumine and Ajax were in at the sight of them. But thankfully Thoma had been passing by.

"Oh Lumine-san, Ajax-san you're here!"he greeted as he set the basket of clothes aside to hurry and race over. He soon noticed the state they were both in growing briefly concerned before shaking his head and putting a hand to his hip. "Let me guess another sparring match?"

"Yep that makes me 55 wins and Ajax 20."snickered lumine hands crossed as she puffed out her chest proudly. But not without being reminded of her wound on her shoulder making her yelp.

"I'll beat you next time Lumine, just you wait!"Ajax insisted with a stubborn grin. However he too was reminded of his own wounded making him hiss in equal pain.

"Come on you two, lets get you patched up and I'll even mends those torn clothes while you get washed p and patched up."assured Thoma motioning the them to follow. The mischievous couple more then eager to accept the offer as the followed their friend. Poor Ayaka was startled at the sight of them but knew what had transpired. So, quickly she went about helping patch up the blonde traveler while Thoma helped out Ajax. Both being given some casual kimonos while Thoma mended and washed their clothes. Meanwhile Paimon could only huff crossing her arms, unsure what she would do with her two reckless friends.

To Be Continued...

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