Mystery of Enkanomiya I

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[A/N: Watatsumi's in trouble. At Kokomi's request to Chilumi the joint captains of Swordfish II venchor into the deep to reach Enkanomiya. But can they find what they are looking for!? Due to myself being a Fire Emblem weeb I tend to address all the mortal races with animal traits(ex: Gorou, Diona, Tighnari) as Beastkin, just feels right. If you get why then yummy 5 star food boost for you~! Oh some of you guys are noticing Lumine as of last chapter is beginning to act strange, wonder why?]


"So this is Enkanomiya huh?"

It had been quite the trip to make it down here with Gorou to be honest and a lot of work to do it. For the poor beastkin friend this place was oddly very eerie and yet as they stared into the horizon towards the glowing beacon of the temple Lumine and Ajax seemed right at home. But why could that be? it puzzled Gorou on many levels yet this place weirded him out.

"Seems to be."Lumine hummed before hurrying along with her glider. "Last one across is a rotten egg~!"

"Hey no fair, girlie!! But I accept this challenge!"yelped the gingered haired Snezhayan before cracking into a grin and following after them. Gorou and Paimon left dumbfounded and in the dust.

"Oh boy, there they go again. Does everything have to be a competition with those two?"sighed Paimon.

Gorou wasted no time to give chase more then easily keeping up with the adventurer couple. Supporting them as he needed to as the mowed through the vast monsters from those land shark lizard things called vishaps to rifthounds all the way to even a lawachurl. "Are you guys always like this? Always competing?"Gorou wondered as they made their way towards the library. Ajax and Lumine looked over their shoulders just offering a smile at their friend. 

"Pretty much, yes. I can't keep him away from a fight for ten seconds so I find other ways to keep him busy."chuckled Lumine.  Lumine letting out a squeak and an annoyed hiss at feeling Ajax rest his arm on her head with a mischievous grin. "A-Ajax get your arm off my head!!"

"Ehehehee~! I'm just giving you a hard time though girlie."he snickered ruffling her hair before kissing her hand.

"Uuuhhh....You big dork."sighed Lumine.

"But I'm your dork and love me for it~!"he hummed only to be surprised at getting his scarf tugged down as she stole a kiss on the lips from him. Only for him to return it in kind before hearing a shout further ahead from Gorou and Paimon, "Oi! Ajax-san, Lumine-san you might want to see this."

Growing curious the duo hurried up the stairs to where the celestial fairy and beastkin was inspecting an ancient lance. Lumine's eyes growing wide as she hurried over and bent down to run her fingers across the now petrified and very rusted surface. Ajax was just as surprised as the shape it took actually. "Ajax can you trigger your hydro dualblades and polearm?"Lumine requested crossing her arms in thought as her mind worked over time. 

"Hm? My Vision?  Yeah I can do that easily."Ajax wasting no time at all to trigger it as he was curious himself. First was the dualblades that manifested in each hand, Gorou too taking a now intrigued closer look. His ears perking and tail bristling at the shocking similarities that only grew as the former 11th Harbinger merged the blades and manipulated them into his signature hydro polearm. All their eyes gawking and jaws falling to the floor as the weapons were almost identical. Even Ajax was amazed if not amused by this as he let the hydro manifestation vanish. 

"Well I'll be darned, that would explain some things. Though I wish sensei would have told me where she came from. or did before she found me."he mumbled curiously. The girls and Gorou looking at him curiously. "Nevermind, I believe we have some blood coral to go fetch, Gorou?"

"O-Oh yes, according to Her Excellency there should be an envoy inside waiting for both of you. I'm just an escort so I shall wait out here for your return."he informed opening up the doors to the library.

"Aw but Paimon wanted Gorou to come. They won't do something weird with you around."Paimon pouted, while not far away the couple turned flustered at being reminded at what happened. Was Paimon ever going to let it go?

"For the last time Paimon, we told you not to open the door but you wouldn't listen!!"Lumine actually snapped before going inside. Paimon taken aback as was Gorou at the sudden outburst. 

"You really need to lighten up Paimon, otherwise girlie  here is going bite your head off again and cook yeah."sighed Ajax with a shrug and shake of his head before going inside. 

"I'm going have to side with him, though I'm not sure what happened or if I want to know. But you should learn to pick and choose your battles Paimon-san."agreed Gorou as the grumbling fairy followed after the duo. Inside was a sea of crumbling bookshelves and scattered scrolls and ancient books of all sorts. And as they ascended the crumbling stairs there with a nose in a book was a gentleman with well kept hair, a plain kimino, and glasses. "Hm..this ain't it either."Lumine overheard the man mumble. Just who was this stranger before them? Unsure what else to do they waited patiently to be noticed before the stranger finally did closing the dusty old book with a soft thud of the pages as he turned to face them, adjusting his glasses. A look of sincerity and intrigue that set Ajax on edge reminding him of a certain banker he knew. 

"Ah you must be the heroes selected to retrieve the blood coral branch."he greeted.

"Yes, we are and you are?"Lumine pressed.

"Oh how rude of me, my name's Enjou and I'll be assisting you in the trials ahead."Enjou greeted. Though his smile was warm it did not reach his ears, he screamed of a man with ulterior motives though Paimon naïve as ever warmly greeted him, Lumine had some sense of caution her face stoic for once. it was bizarre but Ajax could have sworn he saw Enjou's pupils narrow to slits while for a split second Lumine's pupils had flickered to look like a star shaped pupils. Very faint sparks of black and red that were cube-like dancing across her hands. And as they left the library, following Enjou and Gorou joining at the rear Ajax felt perplex. "Had I imagined that?"he thought. meanwhile Lumine had taken a chance to slip away once the group arrived at the temple in order find a spot to hide. Paimon noticing in worry finding Lumine clutching her arms to her chest curled up behind one of the towering columns. Those same sparks like dancing static. Her pupils morphing like some tricked out kaleidoscope as they gave a faint golden glow. 

"Oh no, it's the seal again ain't it? You haven't had an episode in months."Paimon whispered in panic.

"J-Just buy me some time, please just n-need a few minutes it'll pass it always does."she whimpered. Tears streaming done her face as elemental particles of caused the ivy near by to grow far more rapidly and wildly. Paimon nodded and hurried away in stardust unaware that Ajax had actually followed the fairy secretly and watched from further below the stairs. part of him wanted to race up and comfort and hold her as her pained sobs and whimpers reached his ears. However something told him this was not something he should confront her about not in her state of distress. For the first time he was not sure what to think.

"Lumine...what or who are you?"

To Be Continued...

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