Way of The Brave

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[A/N: Couple weeks time skip here. Ajax is doing a lot better but not back completely to his old self yet. After discovering Ajax's weak point in weapons is the bow, Aloy becomes his teacher, showing him everything she learned from Rost on Nora Tribe bowmanship.]



Spring had begun to arrive with the slow thaw of winter after months of treatment and recovery time Ajax was finally back to his old self. His wounds had healed and over the course of the recovery had received a new bow he was now eagerly testing out. Lumine not far away under the shade of tree here in the ruins of Dragonspine was tending to her new sword, glistening with a violet hue and was Inazuman in design. A gift from the Kamisato siblings over the holidays. I was quite the impressive sword; sharp and had a good weight to it. 

One she was eagerly tending and preforming maintenance on while she and Paimon watched Aloy training Ajax on marksmanship with the bow. Ajax with his bow drawn as he charged an arrow of hydro. Aloy with her odd looking spear tapping him in various places to correct him on posture. "How's this?"he asked trying again.

"Ajax that's still not right your drawing too much strain to your shoulders. Do it again."Aloy corrected sternly.

"Can't seem to grasp what it is I'm doing wrong? Why are bows so frustrating to master?"Ajax hissed again adjust his posture. Once again trying to draw the bow how Aloy showed him.

Paimon seemed to be taking great amusement in this to Lumine's annoyance. Lumine knew Ajax on purpose had been using a bow in order to get better using it. But Aloy, a fellow Traveler, her combat abilities were nothing to laugh at. The fiery ginger huntress was Ajax's opposite her talents honed by years and years growing up in the wilderness as her playground. Ajax and Aloy to her surprise actually over the months becoming very good friends and had been teaching him Nora archery to help him improve while he helped teach her some things her Focus couldn't.

 "Paimon can't believe he's still struggling with this."giggled Paimon in amusement.

"Oh where did I put that butcher knife and kettle?"Lumine hummed, Paimon growing tense.

The sound of arrow fire alerted the girls along with Ajax's excited cheers made the blonde turn her honey amber gaze. Just in time to see the cheeky ginger hydro user land not one but two bull's eyes just seconds apart. "I did it finally! How do you like me now?"he laughed in delight eagerly he hurried over to where Lumine was sitting. "Did you see that Ojou-chan?"

"Yes I did, your aim's improved."smiled Lumine in praise.

"It's improved but you have a long way to go."agreed Aloy before bringing out her own bow. To their shock they heard the sound of some boars not far away. Swiftly nimbly Aloy scaled up the snowy and slippery rocky ledge grabbing an arrow from her quiver as she crouched low. The trio following after her to watch not far behind. Curiosity in Ajax's eyes was like that of a fox. 

"What she doing?"Paimon began only to be silenced with both Ajax and Lumine's hands landing on her mouth. 


They watched as Aloy started with nimble grace and agility swiftly climb one of the pine trees landing on a high branch. Yes this height would work perfectly to demonstrate to them. The huge boar not far away was easily the size of a very, very large boulder. it's tusks impressive and snuffled around for food with it's heard of smaller ones. She then began to raise her bow and took aim.

"Wait she's not actually going shoot that king boar is she?"Lumine gawked softly.

"Oh hoohohoo~! She is."Ajax hummed with excited anticipation.

"Ooo~! Does that mean we get to have steak tonight or sticky honey roast?"whispered Paimon practically drooling already at the thought.

Like lightning Aloy started letting not one but three arrows fly at the same time straight for the huge monster sized boar. The first two making an expertly aim straight for the eyes, blinding it. While the third was the lethal bull's eye straight for the skull. Then before their eyes she leaped out and started rapid firing the remaining boars. One-shotting them all in one swift action before rolling and landing onto her feet. Paimon was practically hearing dinner bells, Lumine was astonished, and Ajax had stars in his eyes with excitement at what they witnessed.

"Do you see now? Keep practicing what I taught you these last two months Ajax. You'll eventually catch on since your a fast learner."Aloy encouraged as the trio went over to help butcher the quarries. 

"You needn't worry about that, Aloy."agreed Ajax. "I'm always striving to get stronger and better then everyone in combat."

"Good."Aloy stated bluntly as she finished storing away what she could into her dimensional storage. Slowly she got back up to her feet and put her bow back in her storage as well. To their surprise she looked a little meloncholy. "I had fun these last few months Lumine, Paimon, and Ajax. Though we met under less then ideal circumstances I'm glad to call you my friends."

"Why are you sounding like your saying goodbye, Aloy?"Lumine asked.

"Because I am. You lot have your quest, I have mine. Mine is to get back to my world, I don't belong here nor do I have to the time to waste as my world still needs me."Aloy stated firmly.

"Paimon doesn't want you to go..."whimpered Paimon.

"Your mind is made up then?"Aloy nodded at Ajax's words. "Then go, we won't stand in your way. Just promise you won't be a stranger visit us in the serenitea pot some time."

"Ajax's right you have the sigil and I taught you the Words of Permission. You need to rest come to my teapot, my domain is always open to you."Lumine smiled.

"You guys...y-you — UGH!! This why I hate saying goodbye."groaned Aloy in frustration.

"How about instead of 'goodbye' Paimon thinks we should say, 'see you later' instead?"the celestial fairy suggested. Only for Aloy to sadly shake her head.

"No, this really is our final farewell. I'm sorry but we' won't meet again Paimon."Aloy smiled sadly. Aloy to her surprise was brought into a group hug by the trio. 

"Then instead, I wish you well. Goodbye Aloy."Lumine stated. "Thank you for everything." Aloy by now unable to hold back her emotions tears began to fall as she held the group close. once they pulled apart they walked with Aloy until they hit a fork in the road. Aloy taking one direction towards Monstandt. While Lumine, Ajax, and Paimon took the other leading to Liyue. Their time with the Nora Seeker had ended but with one parting by fate, new encounters were sure to follow like scattered petals to the wind.

"So where we heading off to this time?"Ajax wondered.

"I found something you might be interested in so how about we go investigate?"Lumine suggested with a hop and a skip over a tree root.

"Ooo~! Paimon knows where your talking about!  So off to Mt. Aocang?"Paimon squeaked eagerly.

"Mt.Aocang."confirmed Lumine leaving Ajax confused but also curious. Just what what was going on in his girlie's head? That mountain was supposedly territory for an adeptus. So why head to that place? "Guess I'll find out."he thought. The trio leaving Dragonspine behind in a flash of Lumine's golden white light.

To Be Continued...

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