Chapter 2.

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It's a few days after Phuwin wakes up and Pond enjoys telling him stories of how the two of them would enjoy themselves before the accident. Pond was hoping that Phuwin would regain some of his memories but to no avail. Pond purposefully left out the part of their relationship.

Pond pushes Phuwin on the wheelchair to the entrance. "How does it feel to finally get discharged? You can finally go back home again." Pond asks.

Phuwin turns to look at Pond. "Well, I'm excited to see everything that you told me. Especially that lava cake you promised me."

Pond let out a small laugh. Phuwin's parents chases after them from behind. "Pond, I have already settled the medical bill. If it's not too much to ask, do you mind staying over at our place and look after Phuwin? I'll hire someone to look after the house so your job is just to look after my son." Phuwin's mom asks. "I know it's different than living in your apartment but I feel it is safer for Phuwin to be in a home where he grew up."

Pond didn't have any issue with that request, if any of all, it is reasonable. "Sure. I'll just have to get my things if that's alright with you." Pond answers.

"No problem, it'd be better if you bring Phuwin along as well, I think a little fresh air would do him good." Phuwin's mother replies. "There'll be someone to greet you once arrive back at our home."

"We will have to leave now. Our flight is only in a few hours. I trust you still remember our deal?" Phuwin's father asks as he looks at Pond.

Pond didn't want Phuwin's parents to reject their relationship. He wants them to acknowledge their relationship. For the sake of him and Phuwin, Pond agrees to Phuwin's father's deal. "Yes. I do remember." Pond answers.

Phuwin's father leans into Pond's ear. "Despite the fact that you were with my son. One quality that I like about you is that you're a man of your word. I know you won't cheat. Even if you do, I'll know."

"No worries. For the sake of us, I'll do it. I'll make sure that you would accept us." Pond whispers in a grin.

Phuwin's father straightens his back and looks at his son. He pats onto Phuwin's head. "I'll see soon Phuwin. Take care of yourself."

Phuwin looks at his father and nods. Phuwin didn't feel any connection to his parents. The only person who visits him daily and looks after him is Pond. "See you." Phuwin answers, his parents still standing there, watching Phuwin.

"Can you stand?" Pond asks. "I know your leg still hurt so don't force yourself. I'll carry you if you can't."

"I'll try." Phuwin pushes himself up to his feet and tries to balance himself. Pond could see that Phuwin's parent's eyes brighten up when Phuwin manages to stand without anyone's help. "I can stand at least." Phuwin says.

Pond walks over beside him and puts Phuwin's arm around his shoulder. "I'll help you to the car." Pond turn to Phuwin's parents. "We will make a move first. We will see you soon." Pond says his good bye before assisting Phuwin to Pond's car.

When Phuwin got in, he looks around. This must be the car that Pond has been telling him about, the one that breaks down when they're out to get dinner. Pond got in and puts on his seat belt. "Let's go back to my place to grab some stuff then we'll head over to your place." Pond says.

"So I usually sleep over at your place but not at my own?" Phuwin asks. "Are we that close that I don't usually go home?"

Pond flashes Phuwin a soft smile. "Yeah. We're very close. Whatever that's mine is yours." Pond answers, hoping that Phuwin would get all the many hints that he's been giving Phuwin. However, knowing Phuwin, he's too blind to catch the hints.

Pond quickly drives back to his place, letting Phuwin wait in the car as he gather his stuff. Pond grabs only the essentials and some extra clothing knowing that he has more at Phuwin's place. Pond would love to bring Phuwin up but there are too many pictures of them together that Pond is afraid that he might break the deal with his father.

When the two of them got back at Phuwin's place, Pond helps Phuwin out of the car and his eyes lit up. "I stay here? All by myself?" Phuwin asks. The house is huge, bigger than Phuwin expected. He was expecting an apartment but he's wrong.

"Yeah." Pond answers. Just as Phuwin's mother has promised, someone is at the entrance waiting to greet them. It's a fairly old lady, most probably a house keeper. She quickly approaches them and offers to help Phuwin. "It's fine. I got Phuwin, you can get the luggage in the car. It's not that heavy."

"Yes, sir." The lady says and do as what she instructs.

When they got into the house, Pond let out a sigh as he sees the long flight of stairs. Phuwin looks at him and pulls his hand away from Pond's shoulder. "It's fine. I can get up by myself." Phuwin says.

"No." Pond scolds. Pond got in front of Phuwin and lowers himself. "I'll piggy back you up. You might be able to walk a little but I'm not risking you injuring yourself or prolonging the process of healing." Phuwin is reluctant but he jumps onto Pond's back and they head up the flight of stairs.

Pond carries Phuwin to his room and puts him onto the bed. Pond throws himself on the floor, his back his killing him. He forgot when was the last time he carried Phuwin like that. "Give me a minute. I'm exhausted. I really need to go back to the gym" Pond says as he tries to catch his breath.

"Well, I did tell you that I can go up by myself." Phuwin answers as he looks around the room. The computers on his desks has multiple monitors and the desktop with it didn't seem cheap either. "Do I spend my time on the computer most of the time?" Phuwin asks.

Pond nods. "Yeah. You love to play games on your computer. Sometimes I would have to pull you away from it just so you can have your dinner." Pond let out a small laugh.

"Woah. I must be that addicted." Phuwin says.

"But its fine. Your grades are still good and you still spend some of your time exercising. Despite you being on the computer, you still have a healthy balance." Pond says as he got up from the floor. "Anyway, go and take a shower. I'll cook dinner."

Phuwin nods and he stands up on his own two feet. Pond sees the boy limping towards the toilet and somewhere inside of his starts to hurt. Pond assists Phuwin into the bathroom and looks around for a stool. "I'll grab you a stool so you can sit while you're bathing." Pond says.

"Why would I have a stool in the bathroom?" Phuwin asks.

Pond sees the small stool below the sink and puts it under the showerhead. A wide grin grew on Pond's lips just as he is about to reply, remembering all the nasty things they did in this bathroom with that stool. Pond clears his throat. "I mean it is just as I told you, we injure ourselves quite often that we would need some things to assist us when it comes to bathing."

"I see."

"Do you think you can manage yourself?" Pond asks. "I'm not sure how you take your nightly showers in the hospital."

"The nurse would usually push me in with a wheelchair and I'll do the rest myself." Phuwin replies. Phuwin's eyes lit up. "Hey, how about you take a shower with me? That way we can help scrub each other's back. I mean if you say that we're as close as you say we are, we've definitely taken a shower together before right?"

Pond's head is filled with many uncensored things, they did more than just shower together in the bathroom. Some of the experience he have are etched into his mind just because it was that good. "A-Are you sure about that Phuwin?" Pond asks.

"Yeah. I mean with you around, it'd be easier for you as well. It's easier for you to assist me when you're here with me." Phuwin answers.

"You know you can still limp your way right? Plus the soap aren't even far away from the shower. You can extend your arm and reach for it." Pond replies with a lifted brow. Phuwin keeps silent as he looks at Pond, hoping that he would reconsider his decision. Pond let out a long sigh. "Fine." Pond says as he gives in.

Pond can use this to his advantage. If Phuwin acts like this all the time, it'd be easier for him to win the bet with Phuwin's father.

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