Chapter 9.

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"You should just go ahead without me." Pond says as he lays in bed. "I'll fetch you when i get better." Phuwin stands by the bed watching Pond. He didn't expect that Pond wouldn't be able to walk after last night. It's even hard for him to turn to his side. "Meen is waiting for you."

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay with you?" Phuwin asks. Phuwin feels guilty for what he did to Pond.

"It's fine. I'll come down when I can finally walk again." Pond answers. "Just don't be too close to Mix. That's all I'm asking."

"No worry. I promised you that I'll keep an eye on him if he does anything suspicious. Just chill and trust me." Phuwin answers. "I did wreck you hard last night so you better take all the rest you need." Phuwin winks at Pond.

"I'll be sure to return the favour in school." Pond grins.

"What happened to our secret relationship?" Phuwin lifts a brow at a sly smile.

"At this point, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind right? After all, I did let you top me. So call it a favour in return." Pond pushes himself up. "Trust me, I'll make sure everyone knows that you're mine when I come back.

Phuwin rolls his eyes. He knows Pond wouldn't even be able to do those things in his current condition. Not to mention that Pond wouldn't dare to. Phuwin is used to Pond hiding their relationship a secret despite the fact that the past him wouldn't want anyone to know. Phuwin wouldn't mind right now if his relationship is announced.

Phuwin walks to the side of the bed, closer to Pond. He pecks a kiss on Pond's cheek. "I'll head off first. See you later."

Pond starts to blush. It was like dating a completely different person. Pond isn't complaining but he does miss some parts of the old Phuwin where he would get shy and cute over certain things.He misses that part of Phuwin.

Pond watches Phuwin walk out the door and starts to stare at the ceiling. he is unsure where this new life is going to bring him but one thing for sure. He wouldn't want anyone to poison Phuwin's mind again. It was their fight that caused them to be in this situation in the first place.

Phuwin walks into class and takes out his laptop, preparing himself for the lesson to come. He still has a lot to catch up to. He was planning to study last night but his mind and his privates has other plans for him.

Phuwin see Mix walking into class and takes a seat beside him. "Good morning." Mix greets Phuwin. "You're a little early today."

Phuwin nods. "Yeah." Phuwin replies shortly. He didn't want to be weird or awkward around Mix. It would make Mix suspect something happen between him and Pond. "Anyway did you manage to get the answers for last night's homework? I got so lost that even Pond couldn't even help me out."

Phuwin could see the change in Mix's expression when he mentioned Pond's name. He could see that Mix is obviously jealous but Phuwin tries to keep it cool. Mix changes his expressions and laughs. "Well, I could let you copy my work if you really need help with it." Mix reaches for his bag and takes his notes out. "You can have it till our class starts."

"Thanks!" Phuwin takes Mix's notes and starts to key in the things he sees onto the laptop. He could tell that Mix is keeping an eye on him as he keys in the notes. Phuwin feels a little uncomfortable that he's being surveillance like a hawk.

During their lunch break, Phuwin is on his phone, texting Pond as the other boy updates his walking status to Phuwin. Phuwin couldn't help but remember about last night and how it has been stuck in his head. It felt amazing and Phuwin couldn't wait to do more of it.

"Hey, you're really distracted lately. Are you okay?" Mix waves his hands in front of Phuwin's face. "You're on your phone awfully lot today. "Did something happen? Pond didn't hurt you again did he?"

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