Chapter 6.

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"Are you sure that you're ready for school?" Pond asks as he pulls the hand break on the car. Pond looks at Phuwin, worried. Pond feels like everything is moving too fast for Phuwin,  a week of rest is not enough for him.

"Yes, Pond. I'm fine." Phuwin answers. "I'll call you if I need anything."

"You better. I'll wait for you after once my class is done. Also, let me know when your lunch is." Pond instructs.

"Pond, weren't you the one who said that our relationship is a secret in school? I just want to try and live my life normally. I'm not sure how we are in school but I appreciate your help. I'll really call you if there's anything. I'll meet you here once my class is done. You have my timetable right?"

Pond nods hesitantly. "Yeah."

"I'll be fine. I promise you that I'll call if there's anything wrong. Trust me." Phuwin reassures the other boy.

Pond gives in and let out a long sigh. "Fine. I'll see you here straight after school. Don't be late."

The two boys got out of the car and head their separate ways. Pond looks back, watching Phuwin walk towards his faculty building. He hopes that Phuwin would get to his class without any issues. He knows how bad his sense of direction is.

Phuwin looks at the sign, reading it and walking towards the room that he is supposed to report to. When he reaches the door of his classroom, his heart starts pounding. He feels nervous that he is about to walk into a class full of his classmates that he can't remember. However as Pond explained to him, he didn't have much friends. Phuwin would probably be alone in class.

He takes a deep breath and pulls the door open and walks in. All eyes are on him, making him anxious. "Phuwin!" The teacher calls out his name in surprise. "Welcome back. I hope that you are feeling well. Please take a seat as I continue class."

Phuwin nods and walks over to an empty table nearest to him. He takes out his note book and pen, preparing to take down the notes that the lecturer is about to give. As he looks around, he sees some people with their laptop. Phuwin remembers seeing a laptop somewhere around his room but he didn't know the function of it when he has a whole computer in his room.

Part of Phuwin feels left out that he didn't bring his laptop. He feels a tap on his shoulder. "Do you mind if take a seat beside you?" A boy asks, Phuwin presume that he is one of his classmates.

"Yeah sure." Phuwin answers.

The boy takes a seat beside Phuwin. "I'm Mix. If you don't remember me." He introduces himself. "Where is your laptop? You would usually bring in your laptop." He asks.

"I-I didn't know we're allowed to bring in the laptop." Phuwin anwers.

Mix puts his laptop on the table. "I'll take down the notes and send it to you. I'm not sure if you remember but we used to be close in class. We're kind of partners when it comes to group projects." Mix informs.

Phuwin has no recollection of Pond mentioning anyone with the name of Mix but he keeps quiet. It's the first person other than Pond and his friends that is talking to him. "Thank you, Mix." He says gratefully. "It's  nice to have someone I know but don't know, to help me out. I don't know if that sentence makes sense but yeah."

Mix let out a laugh. "It's fine. Just tell me if you have any questions. I'll try to help you if I know it." Mix points towards the screen. "Let's just focus for now. We'll catch up during lunch or something." Mix says with a smile. Phuwin nods in agreement and turns his attention to the screen.

When it is time for their break, Phuwin keeps his things and takes out his phone. He was about to text Pond when he realizes that he is supposed to keep his relationship a secret. He looks at the open chat with Pond's name, unsure if he should text him and invite him out for lunch break.

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