Chapter 13.

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The four boys were laughing loudly until the door creaks open. They all went silent instantly as they sees someone they never met walk through the door. "Is this Phuwin's room?" The person asks. Phuwin takes a good look at him and realizes that he seems familiar. He's from the same class as he is.

"Uhh. Yeah. You are... Sorry I didn't get your name I know we're in the same class." Phuwin apologizes.

"What time is it?" Meen asks. "I didn't expect anyone to be visiting you at this kind of timing."

"Earth." He looks at the watch on his hand. "It's actually nine in the morning."

Duean's eyes widen. "It's nine?! We've been talking till the sun rises and we didn't even realize it." Meen got up to his feet, followed by Duean. "Meen and I gotta go somewhere else. We'll see you later."

Pond nods. "It's fine. We'll see you later." Phuwin waves good bye as Duean and Meen walks past Phuwin's classmate, leaving them to their conversation. "Take a seat. Sorry if we're a little groggy. We didn't expect to stay up the whole morning."

Pond sits on the bed by Phuwin, squeezing himself closer to Phuwin. "So what is your classmate doing here for? I thought Meen and Duean have your notes taken down for you?" Pond asks.

Earth takes a seat and looks at Phuwin and Pond. "I'm not here for that. I'm here for Mix. The school is waiting for you to recover and wants to see if you would like to press charges on him." Earth says. "I'm here to ask if it is possible for you not to press charges on him."

Pond wanted to argue but Phuwin put his hand on Pond's chest, causing him to stop his words from coming out. Phuwin looks at Earth. "Why would I not press charges on him? He tried to ruin my relationship, he is the one that caused me to lose my memories in the first place and he hit me at the back of my head and now I'm here."

Phuwin takes a deep breath trying to compose himself. Whatever Earth is asking from Phuwin just doesn't make sense. "How about you tell me why I shouldn't press charges?" Pond looks at Phuwin with a soft smile. He will never get tired of seeing Phuwin like this, defending on his own. He used to be so timid and Pond is the one doing all the work.

"I should have controlled Mix more. He's a little out of hand sometimes and that's my fault. I did try to tell him not to disrupt your relationship but he just wouldn't listen." Earth reasons out. "I really hope you can give him another chance. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think that there would be a chance that you would not press charges on him."

Pond notices the way he talks about Mix. "You fancy the boy don't you?" Earth's face starts to flush when he hears the words that spills out of Pond's lips.

Phuwin scratches his head. He looks at Pond. "So you're saying because you think your feelings will conquer all? And you think portraying your feelings will make me change my mind?" Phuwin snickers. "What kind of fantasy do you think this is?"

"I am willing to do anything if it comes to Mix." Earth answers. "Just name your price and I'll do anything in my power to fulfill your request."

Pond looks at Phuwin and shakes his head. Phuwin shows a sinister smile. "Sure. Then how about you handcuff him to your hand and make sure he stays away from me until we graduate. I don't want him to come within five meters around me. Also, you got to take his phone and make sure to delete my number, my pictures and everything else that has me in it."

"Consider it done. I will bring him here later to make sure he apologizes to you in person and I will hand cuff him to me. I will even give you the key." Earth agrees with the request.

Phuwin looks surprised and looks at Pond who also seemed surprise. They didn't expect Earth to accept his request in a heartbeat. Adding to that, he's bringing Mix to apologize to him in person and hand Phuwin the key to his cuffs so that Earth will keep his end of the deal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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