Chapter 8.

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Pond enters his apartment and it's the first time Phuwin is seeing Pond like a child in a playground. Pond runs around the house, seeing how clean everything is in just a couple of hours. Pond runs to the kitchen then back to the living room and his room. "Phuwin! How did they manage to clean up this place in just a couple of hours? It's spotless!" Pond yells out as he exits his room.

Phuwin lets out a small laugh. He didn't know why he feel happy when he sees Pond excited like this. "That's the magic of house cleaning." Phuwin answers. "I'm going to take a shower. I feel sticky all over." Phuwin says.

"Go ahead. I want to make sure nothing is missing. We did ask a stranger to clean up the place after all." Pond says as he walks over to the kitchen. Phuwin heads into the bathroom and sees that there are more than enough soap for him. He sees two tooth brush and looks at it closer. One of it has his name on in. Pond wasn't lying when he says that Phuwin practically lives here.

Phuwin wonders why he would give up all the wealth and comfort that he has just to be with Pond. He didn't want to think of it anymore. He has too many stuff to think about including school. Especially when Pond tells him the story about Mix. Phuwin still couldn't tell if what Pond is saying is true but if all of the evidence he finds is this much, it should be true.

When Phuwin got out of the shower with his head clear, he heads out to the living room with the towel on his head. He wasn't sure what to expect but he could tell that something was wrong when he hear the sounds of metal clanking onto each other.

When he rushed towards the sound and into the kitchen, he sees a shirtless Pond on the floor. "Pond, What the hell happened?" Phuwin yells out. He didn't know why Pond was drenched and pots are lying everywhere.

Pond just sheepishly smiles at him. Phuwin offers him a hand and Pond grabs it. He got up from the floor and looks down on himself. "Well, I was planning to cook some ramen for supper but I slipped and fell. I grabbed the cabinet and it opened up and most of the pots fall on top of me. Not to mention that the water in the potsplashed onto me. Luckily I haven't turned on the gas yet." Pond explains.

Phuwin groans. "Then why are you shirtless?" Phuwin asks with his eyes fixed onto Pond's shirtless chest. Phuwin's clear head suddenly became cloudy once again but this time it was all the things he would do to Pond.

"It was getting hot and I'm going to get into the shower after you. So mind as well wash my shirt as well." Pond points towards the washing machine at the back. "So when I hang it later, it should be dry by tomorrow." Pond explains further.

Phuwin resists biting his lips at the sight of Pond before him. "Then why don't you just wash your pants at the same time. You can get all of them washed up and dried by tomorrow." Phuwin jokes.

Pond looks down at his pants. "What? Then I'll be naked and its gonna be co-"

Phuwin tackles Pond and push him against the kitchen counter. He has his hands on Pond's chest. Phuwin couldn't help himself, he didn't know what it was about Pond that makes it so addicting. Phuwin leans in and presses his lips against Pond's. He sucked onto Pond's pulpy lower lip and let out a long breath. He rests his forehead against Pond's. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself." Phuwin apologizes.

Pond was surprise at first but then he relaxes himself when he could feel Phuwin's hard on pressing against his own. Phuwin has never done this before. It is the first that Pond has ever experience Phuwin's lust this strong. He puts his hand onto Phuwin's cheek while the other over his hand on Pond's chest.

Pond grins. "Then tell me what you want me to do to you?"

Phuwin let out a little smirk. "How about this time I do it to you? I've always thought about it."

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