Chapter 3.

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Pond massages Phuwin head softly as he shampoo's the boy's hair. He makes sure not to hurt him where he fell. "Is this pressure okay?" Pond asks. Phuwin nods, Pond knows a lot about him and the way his fingers work on his head, it's relaxing. He could feel the weight being lifted off his head.

Pond longs to feel Phuwin's skin on his fingertips lustfully. Pond sees Phuwin sitting on the stool with his back facing him, it is enough for his mind to go to world of sexual desires. However, Pond is trying his best to hold it in. He wouldn't know how Phuwin would react if Pond touches him the wrong way. Pond didn't want to be seen as taking advantage of Phuwin.

Phuwin didn't know why but he feels uneasy and a little unsatisfied with his shower. Phuwin didn't know why his body is heating up but he knows that something is making him uncomfortable. "Hey, Pond." Phuwin calls out.

"Yeah?" Pond replies.

"Thanks for taking a shower with me." Phuwin says as he feels something getting hard between his legs and his face starts to flush. He didn't know why he feels this way but Phuwin tries to push it down and think of some other things to distract him.

Pond laughs and turns on the shower, washing Phuwin's hair from the soap. "You don't have to thank me. It's just something small." Pond replies. Once the shampoo is gone, Pond grabs the soap for Phuwin's body and starts scrubbing wash his back. He lifts one of Phuwin's arm up and starts lathering him in soap as if Phuwin is a baby.

Phuwin keeps silent, the way Pond slides his hand on his body is making his shaft twitch. He didn't know why but Pond's touch feels familiar, soothing, calming yet full of lust. It was like as if Phuwin is in an open flame but it wasn't burning. It's more of a soft warmness embracing him, providing security.

Once Pond lather both of Phuwin's arm, he scrubs his hands together, forming bubbles before sliding both of his hands under Phuwin's arms and lather his chest, sliding his hands up his chest and down his stomach. Pond could feel how tense Phuwin's body is all of a sudden. "Phuwin, are you okay? Did I hurt you while scrubbing your body?" Pond asks.

Phuwin keeps silent and shakes his head. Pond lifts a brow and embraces the boy from behind. "I don't know if me hugging you, makes you uncomfortable but I just want you to know that I'm always here if you need someone." Pond says.

Phuwin could feel Pond's wet and slippery skin on his back and his hands around his belly, it is not helping him in the slightest. He didn't know why but he wants Pond to slides his hands on his body once more. "P-Pond?" Phuwin stutters.

"Yeah?" Pond replies.

"I-I... uhh..." Phuwin didn't know how to say it but he wants to be touched.

Pond rests his chin on Phuwin's shoulder as he looks down. He could see Phuwin and his full glory. Phuwin's shaft is erected and he could see that Phuwin's face is rosy from the way that he's feeling. Pond didn't know that Phuwin would feel that way. Pond hopes somewhere inside that maybe Phuwin's body remembers even though his head didn't.

Pond let out a soft smile, he finally let himself go and could feel his own shaft slowly growing. Phuwin could feel it against his back and he didn't know how to react. "I'll help you with it." Pond says as Pond reaches one of his hands for Phuwin's shaft.

Phuwin could feel Pond's fingers wrapping around his shaft while the other grabs onto his chests. He could feel his mind going into a lustful daze. "Open up your legs, you'll feel more comfortable that way." Pond whispers into his ear.

Pond's hot breath on his ear turns Phuwin's engine onto overdrive. Phuwin's hand reaches behind him and grabs onto Pond's shaft. Pond pinches Phuwin's nub, causing the boy to hitch a breath. "I know you like that." Pond rubs his fingers circles around his nub.

Pond could feel Phuwin's fingers start to work on his own shaft. Pond is surprise that he would have the guts to reach for Pond's shaft. Pond starts stroking Phuwin's shaft with the soap, making it as slippery as possible as he plays with Phuwin's nub.

Phuwin throws himself back, putting his weight against Pond as Pond starts to satisfy him. Phuwin didn't want to seem selfish where he's the only one getting pleasured. He tries to work his hand onto Pond's shaft but Phuwin couldn't control himself. Whatever Pond is doing on him, it's making his body lose control.

Pond presses his lips onto Phuwin's neck, pecking kisses on his pearly white skin. The smell of fresh lavender soap and the soft skin from Phuwin is driving Pond insane. He's holding back most of his lust, ensuring that Phuwin comes first.

Phuwin's hands let go of Pond's shaft as he reaches for anything he hold. He grabs onto the side of Pond's face, while Pond pecks his kisses, and let out uncontrollable whines from his lips. "P-Pond. M-More." Phuwin begs.

Pond starts to increase his tempo on Phuwin's shaft. It was the first time Phuwin asks for more. Phuwin would usually beg Pond not to stop but this is a first. Phuwin could feel himself reaching the heavens and all of a sudden his shaft starts to explode white liquid all over his body and his body is sensitive to Pond's touch.

Pond continues to stroke Phuwin's shaft as its shooting out thick white liquid. Pond slides his hand from Phuwin's chest down to his pelvis, holding Phuwin's waist down as he strokes onto Phuwin's shaft relentlessly.

Phuwin's legs starts to tremble and his body starts writhing. Pond squeezes the last drop from Phuwin's shaft and allows Phuwin to fall back onto his chest as Phuwin tries to regain his energy. "How is that?" Pond asks.

Phuwin nods, unable to speak any words. When Phuwin realizes that Pond's shaft is still rock hard, he tries to push himself off Pond but Pond pushes him back down onto his chest. "I'm fine. I'll just settle mine later. For now, I'll have to wash you up again. You're dirty." Pond says.

"A-Are you sure?" Phuwin asks.

"Yeah. It's fine. If you want to settle with mine, it's probably going to take a long time." Pond jokes.

Phuwin slumps more onto Pond. "I don't know why but when your hands are on me, I feel safe." Phuwin admits. "I'm not sure what is it but I'm glad that you're here with me. I might not remember but my body knows that you mean no harm when you touch me."

Pond is surprise at the words that Phuwin is saying. He has said out the words that are in his head. "I'm glad you feel that way, Phuwin. I'm really glad." Pond replies.

The two boys quickly wash up the mess that Phuwin makes and head out of the bathroom. Phuwin watches Pond run out of the room after getting dressed because he has to rush to make dinner. It makes Phuwin feel bad that Phuwin manages to reach orgasm but not Pond.

Phuwin looks around his room and sees his phone on the bedside table. Phuwin lifts a brow when he sees the wallpaper on it. It's Pond. Not only that Pond is on his wall paper but it was the both of them embracing each other. Phuwin didn't think much of it, if they are close enough to do what they did in the bathroom, hugging each other would mean nothing.

Phuwin tries to unlock his phone but he couldn't remember his password. He tries his birth date and other simple combinations but it didn't unlock. He would love to read the messages that he has in his phone, the friends and the memories are all probably stuck in this phone.

It didn't take long before Pond comes into the room with a tray of food. "I made fried rice with the lava cake that I promised." Pond says as he enters the room. Pond walks over and puts the tray onto breakfast tray on the bed.

Phuwin wastes no time and goes for the cake first. Phuwin's eyes lit up when the dark chocolate liquid oozes out of the center. The smell and look is amazing. Pond let out a sigh. "You should have eaten the rice first. The cake is meant for dessert."

"If I ate the rice first, then the cake would be cold and the liquid inside might not even be melty like this." Phuwin says as he takes a bite out of the cake. The chocolate coats his tongue and the explosion of flavour starts to wrap him. "This is so good. It's even better than you described."

Pond shakes his head. "It is your favourite. Even if you lost your memory, your preference should still say the same." Pond comments.

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