Chapter 4.

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Pond grabs his school bag and looks over at the bed where Phuwin sits there, staring at him. "Are you sure you're going to be okay all alone?" Pond asks. Pond couldn't help but be worried for leaving Phuwin alone.

"I'll be fine. I have the housekeeper to keep me company. I can walk around the house and meddle with the computer to see what I can find to help me with my memories." Phuwin answers. "You go ahead. You still have to catch up with the classes that you missed because of me."

Pond walks over to Phuwin with a soft smile and pats the boy's head like a small puppy. Phuwin could see that Pond's heart breaks a little, knowing that Pond will have to leave him. "I'll drop out of school just so I can take care of you." Pond replies.

Phuwin lets out a laugh. "No. It's fine. I thought of using the computer anyway. I want to see how good I was when I'm playing games."

"Sure. I'll try to be home as soon as possible." Pond says as he looks at his watch. "I got to go. I'll see you later." Pond says as he runs out of the door.

"See you!" Phuwin yells out as Pond exits the room. Phuwin climbs out of the bed and runs to the window. He could see Pond getting into his car. Pond notices him and waves good bye. Phuwin smiles and waves back. Phuwin watches as the car drives out and disappears from his vision.

Phuwin looks around the room and looks at his computer. He walks over and turns it on. Phuwin smiles widely when it didn't require a password. He looks through the computer, going folder to folder, trying to find anything that could remind him of anything else.

Phuwin groans as he spends nearly an hour looking through the folder but there's nothing, only computer and gaming software that he has never heard of or remembers. He must've been some kind of computer geek back then if he knows how to do work all of these.

The door slams open, making Phuwin jump from his chair. "Good morning!" Duean yells as he enters the room with Meen following him closely behind with hands full of plastic bags. "What are you doing?" Duean asks as he walks over to Phuwin.

Phuwin isn't as close as Duean and Meen currently. "Good morning." Phuwin greets back.

"Where's Pond?" Meen asks as he looks around the room. "Isn't he supposed to be taking care of you?"

"Pond left for school. Aren't you guys supposed to be there too?" Phuwin asks with a lifted brow.

Meen's eyes widen and he looks at Duean. "Did you text Pond about his arrangement for his classes?"

"I thought you did it." Duean answers sheepishly.

Meen groans and takes out his phone. "Pond is allowed to attend class online because he's taking care of you. Duean, you go and call him and tell him right now. You're supposed to text him about it." He scolds Duean.

"Why is it my fault? Aren't you the one who updates the lecturer about the situation?" Duean answers back.

"Because you're supposed to help me remind Pond, your friend." Meen pushes Duean out of the door. "Now hurry up and call him or the food that we bring will get cold when he reaches here." Duean reluctantly groans and walks out of the room, reaching for his phone as he calls Pond.

Meen walks over to Phuwin. "So what are you doing? Are you learning how to play games again?" Meen asks.

Phuwin shakes his head. "I'm looking around to see if I can find anything that will help me remember. All I know about myself is whatever Pond and I go through." Phuwin got up from his chair and walks over to the bed, taking his phone. "I don't even know the passcode for my phone."

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