Chapter 5.

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"How about we go and get some food into your system? You're probably hungry." Pond suggests. Phuwin nods into Pond's chest with a soft smile. Pond takes a look at the screen to find a picture of them doing sin on Pond's bed. Pond decide to push it aside for now, it's probably not the time to be asking such questions.

The two boys head down to see the house keeper serving them the food that Meen and Duean brought along with whatever the house keeper cooks. Pond gives his thanks to the lady before she walks away with a small nod.

"I didn't expect the both of you to be coming here." Pond says as he sits down. He looks over at the dining table. "This is a lot of food."

"We just decide to drop by since we're also allowed to school from home but only for a week as he try to help Phuwin." Meen answers. "For you, I'm not so sure."

Pond looks at Phuwin then at his friends. "Well. I had a talk with one of Phuwin's lecturer, he wants Phuwin back in school so he won't be left behind. He set a week for Phuwin. We will have to get Phuwin to catch up with the lessons that he missed and also before that if he remembers anything."

Phuwin keeps silent as he tries to remember whatever he study back then but nothing come up to mind. "I can't remember anything. How am I supposed to catch up a year or more of studies in week?" Phuwin says with worry and stress in his voice.

"Well, who knows maybe you will get back your memories after remembering how horrible studying is." Dean says. "Anyway I'm hungry lets dig in. We'll then start you off with the basics. Not that I know anything about your course of study but we can try."

Meen looks at Duean with a lifted brow. "You can't even stay focus in class and you want to teach Phuwin? I think Pond and I will handle the teaching. You can help us do our work. It's only fair that way. You can also teach yourself the things that you slept through class."

"It's fine. We're here to teach you." Pond says as he takes a couple of dishes and puts it onto Phuwin's plate.

Phuwin looks at Pond and Duean. "How about the both of you stay here for the week? At least it'll save up on your travel time." Phuwin suggest.

Duean and Meen looks at each other. "Are you sure you're alright with that? Won't that be a lot of weight for your house keeper?"

"It wouldn't be much of a problem my dears. Phuwin's parents have anticipated this and I am enough to take care of all of you. After all, I used to take care of Phuwin's family once." The old lady says as he walks towards our table. Pond could tell that she has been eavesdropping on their conversation. It is the only way where Phuwin's father can keep track on Pond's actions relating to their bet.

"Then we'll go get our stuff after this and come back right after." Meen says.

Duean grins. "I can't wait to use your pool! It's been a hot day lately and it's nice to finally cool off later."

Meen smacks Duean shoulder. "We're here to help Phuwin not for you to use the pool."

Phuwin lets out a small laugh. "It's fine. At least this way, I'll be able to know you guys better anyway."

Pond let a soft smile as he looks at Phuwin. "I'd like that." Pond is glad that Phuwin would take the first step to getting know his friends again. However, the Phuwin he knows back then is more reserved. He wouldn't suggest things that would invade his space. Pond could tell that Phuwin is desperate to remember the things he forgotten. The questions that he has must have been eating him up alive.

Meen and Duean leaves the house to get their stuff, Pond and Phuwin head back to the room. The two boys search the room for any books that Phuwin has. Phuwin scratch his head when he sees all the books his has are empty of notes. He would've have thought that someone who scores highly for his exams would have empty notes in his books. "Where's all my notes?" Phuwin asks as he looks at Pond on the computer.

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