Chapter 7.

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Phuwin enters the car and he could feel the energy radiating from Pond wasn't a pleasant one. "How was school?" Pond asks, trying to hide his displeasure to what he sees during lunch. Pond turns to Phuwin, giving him all of his attention.

Phuwin could feel Pond staring him down like a snake on its prey. "It was good. I didn't know I had a friend in class." Phuwin answers honestly.

"You mean Mix? The one that held your hand during lunch?" Pond replies. Before Phuwin could answer, Pond interrupts him. "I don't want you to be around him anymore. You may not remember it but I do. Just listen to me and stay away from him." Pond advices.

"Then why don't you tell me about it?" Phuwin answers. "What did he do so bad that I have to stay away from him? He's really nice to me in class and even help me out with my work." Phuwin explains.

"He tried to ruin our relationship. I don't want to tell you this because I don't want it to eat up our feelings and distrust each other like how it did back then." Pond answers. Phuwin see that Pond is serious about this and he don't know what else to reply.

"Look. Just listen to me and you'll be fine. I already kept a promise to your mother that I'll be taking care of you. I intend to keep that promise." Pond says. "Anyway since we're heading back. Is there anything you would like to eat?"

Phuwin didn't feel too good about the situation and keeps silent, looking out the window as pond starts to drive out the parking lot. Pond let out a sigh. "How about we go and get your favourite dessert? Does that make you feel better?" Pond asks.

Phuwin realizes that he can use this to his advantage. "If you really want to make me feel better, then bring me to your place." Phuwin answers.

Luckily they haven't got out of the parking lot yet. Pond parks at the side, pulls the handbrake and turns to Phuwin. Phuwin looks at him confused but he could see how serious Pond is. "If you really want to come over to my place, you got to promise me one thing and never break that promise." Pond offers.

"W-What is it? You're being really serious right now." Phuwin addresses the situation.

"You got to listen to me, no matter what happens. And I mean do as I say at all times. Before doing anything else, you will let me know of what you are doing or planning to do." Pond pulls out his hand, raising his pinky finger. "Can you promise that?"

Phuwin looks at him, unsure if he should fear for Pond. "What if those request that you ask for are out of what I can do? Or maybe what if they are completely unreasonable?"

Pond let out a soft smile. "Don't worry. I'll make sure that is all something that you can do. Don't you trust me?" Pond asks.

"I-I don't know. It's a promise that is really hard to keep." Phuwin answers.

"Come on. You already trust me to handle your body the other day. I know you enjoy it. Think of it like that. If I can handle your body that way, don't you think you can trust me in everything else?" Pond replies.

"T-That is not a valid argument point." Phuwin argues.

Pond pulls his hand away. "Well then, I guess we're going to your place instead."

Phuwin didn't know how the situation got turned around but he is curious at how Pond's place look like. "Fine! I'll promise you." Phuwin takes out his pinky. Pond locks his pinky with Phuwin. "But Mix will still be around me until I see or feel something off."

"Great. Then my place is the best place to be. I'll show you how much Mix ruined our relationship." Pond answers as he starts the engine once more and drives off. "So what would you like to eat?" Pond asks Phuwin. "Dessert or me?"

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