Chapter 11.

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Meen washes his hands as Duean leans against the bathroom wall, waiting for the other boy. "The two of them are just going at it each time they have the time. I'm not sure how and where they get the energy to do it." Meen says as he scrubs his hands.

"Energy for what?" Duean asks.

"Sex. They do it every single day. I don't think that it's normal. They're even late for school because they did it in the morning every single day." Meen answers. "Even we don't do it that much." Meen dries his hands on his pants.

"To be fair, we could do what they're doing but you don't want to." Duean answers.

Meen walks over to Duean and punches him on the shoulder. "Well. It's because we're still students and I have a responsibility to study. I'm not like you or them, you guys think with the thing between your legs."

"Ow." Duean rubs the pain on his shoulder. "How about you tell that to Pond? He's still the top of his class and still playing with Phuwin like sex toy. Or maybe it's the other way around. I can't quite tell with all the things I saw the other day."

"Let's go. I don't wanna talk about it anymore. It scares me yet I am curious about their sex drive." Meen replies as he walks out of the bathroom with Duean following him closely. Meen knocks into Phuwin on the way out.

"So what were the both of you doing in the bathroom together?" Phuwin asks, giving a smirk to the both of them.

"Well, we're not doing the same things that you and Pond are." Meen answers. He taps Phuwin's side. "I'll see you later. We still have plans to meet up with the both of you at your place. Or should I say Pond's place."

"Alright. See you later." Phuwin says as he enters the bathroom.

Duean and Meen walks off until Duean looks at his hands. "Meen. I got to head back to the bathroom. I forgot to wash my hands."

"Ew. Go and wash them. I'll see you in class later." Meen answers as he looks at Duean in disgust. Duean quickly runs back to the bathroom, not wanting to let Meen leave him behind. When he heads towards the bathroom, he hears a familiar voice.

"What are you saying?" Phuwin says surprise in his voice. Phuwin looks at Mix before him with his face red, full of anger. "Whatever I'm doing with Pond don't have to do anything with you. Why are you so angry about it?"

"I told you he's a dangerous person. Have you forgotten that made you lose your memories in the first place?" Mix answers. Duean hides outside the bathroom, still listening into the conversation. He didn't expect Mix to be inside one of the cubicle, listening in to his and Meen's conversation. He takes out his phone and starts recording the scene, making sure that they don't notice his phone.

"Well, it is Pond who is the one who has been there for me instead of you. He's been taking care of me instead of you. Don't you think he deserve something?" Phuwin answers.

"I've tried so many things just to be with but you still want him. I don't understand. What does he have that I don't?" Mix asks with his voice raised.

"So what Pond says is true. You did try to sabotage our relationship. It was because of you that I lost my memories. Ultimately, it was because of you!" Phuwin yells back at him. "You know what. I'm done talking about this. Don't ever talk to me again."

Mix grips onto his phone. He didn't know what else he could do. He let his anger take over him. He punches the back of Phuwin's head and Phuwin falls down. Phuwin's head hit the sink before he fell to the floor.

Mix panicked when he sees a small pool of blood spreading out on the floor. Mix runs out of the toilet. He didn't notice Duean hiding. Duean quickly runs into the bathroom and calls Pond. He throws his phone to the floor, leaving it on speaker and tries to help out Phuwin. "Phuwin!? Phuwin?! Are you okay?" Duean taps Phuwin's shoulder but he didn't react.

When Pond finally picks up the phone, Duean yells out. "Pond! Toilet! Level three! Now!!" Duean yells. Pond immediately puts down the phone and Duean knows that Pond  is on his way with the way he yells out.

Duean quickly grabs his phone and calls the ambulance. He grabs a long strip of tissue and puts it onto Phuwin's wound. He tries to stop the bleeding and he sees Pond arriving, sweat building up on his face. Pond's eyes widen when he sees Phuwin on the floor with a small pool of blood. He quickly get onto his knees.

"I've called the ambulance. I'll get the lecturer. You stay with Phuwin." Duean says as he runs out of the bathroom with blood on his hands. He sees the medics running towards the opposite bathroom on the hallway that he just left, followed by the some of his lecturers. Duean stops his tracks and yells out. "This way!"

They immediately follow Duean and sees Phuwin on the floor with Pond embracing his Phuwin's head with his hand over the wound. Pond quickly steps away, letting the medics do their job, Phuwin was gone before he could process what was happening. The next thing he knows is that he in the ambulance, on the way to the hospital.

Pond waits outside the emergency room. He didn't even bother looking at his phone. He just wondered who could have done this to him. The floor wasn't wet enough for Phuwin to have an accident like that.

When Meen and Duean appears, Pond got to his feet. "I didn't thought you guys would come immediately. I thought you guys would come after school." Pond says, still thankful and appreciative that they would come for Phuwin.

"It's fine. It's Phuwin after all." Meen answers. Meen nudges Duean. "Show him what you  showed me."

Pond looks at them confused. Duean takes out his phone and shows the recording of what happened. Pond's blood starts boiling and it was evident that his face was fuming. "I'll get back at him when I see him." Pond says.

"For now, they are still investigating on what happened to Phuwin. We didn't tell them anything yet. We figured you'd want to see this first." Meen answers.

"Trust me. I'll do something about it." Pond answers.

A nurse approach them. "Are you the friends of the college kid that got in because of a head injury?" She asks. The three boys nod. "You will find him at ward 69 in one of the private rooms. We've moved him up. We gave him anesthetic in case he wakes up from the surgery. So he should be out for quite a while."

"How's his condition? Is he fine?" Pond asks.

"He's fine. The hit on his head just caused a lot of bleeding so we're putting in saline to make sure his blood pressure doesn't drop. We also stitched the wound close. You don't have to worry."

Pond let out a sigh of relief. "Let's head back to school and come back here once we're done." Pond says as he walks away. Meen and Duean looks at each other. They know what Pond wanted to do and they didn't bother to stop him or follow him, he'd want to know the condition of Phuwin when he gets back.

Mix is in class, taking down the notes that the lecturer is displaying on the screen when all of a sudden the class door slams open. Pond enters the classroom, looking at every single one of the students. Pond spots Mix before he could hide.

Pond stomps over to Mix. "It was you!" He grabs Mix's collar and punches Mix in the face, causing him to fall off his chair.

"Stop it the both of you!" The lecturer yells out.

Mix groans as he looks at Pond who got over Mix and starts punching Mix again. Pond relentlessly lands his fist onto Mix's face again and again until he got dragged away by some of the students. Mix coughs, his face full of bruises. Mix lifts his body from the ground. "What was that for?" Mix asks.

"You know what it was for! You were the one who sent Phuwin to the hospital with what you did in the bathroom!" Pond yells out, struggling to get out of the other students grasp.

"Both of you to the principal's office now!"

Pond relaxes himself. The students let go of Pond. "Make sure I don't see you near him again." Pond  says as walks out of class. He didn't care what punishment waits for him in the future. He is just happy that he manages to get a little bit of revenge onto Mix for messing with Phuwin.

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