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new york america

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new york


My eyes opened slowly, fluttering the daylight that peaked through the blinds. A breath of air rushed through my lungs in a morning sigh and my mouth parted as I let it out.

The AC unit was blowing cold air into the room and is shivered, pulling the covers over my bare shoulders.

To my left was a sleeping Galina. Her black hair was piling around her head, leaking from the pillows onto the mattress. In her sleep, the blanket had exposed her naked torso. The sunlight through the blinds casted lines against her soft skin. A few freckles dotted her stomach, leading up to her breasts, and ending at the base of her neck.

Her face was swollen with sleep and dried drool collected in the corner of her mouth. Still, I smiled and turned away from her for a moment to collect my thoughts.

Then, I covered her body with the blanket so she wouldn't wake up like that. In her sleep, she was quiet. Soft little breaths escaped her nose and for the first time in the past thirteen hours she was quiet.

My stomach was settled with anxiety. I didn't want her to wake up. Then we would have to talk about everything that happened yesterday and everything that was still to come. Too much of it would come too soon.

I decided then that I would need coffee to have another conversation with her to sort out whatever feelings were obviously between us.

Though after last night and sleep, I knew she had been right. I did find her because I felt guilty. But if anything seeing her had proved, is that there are still feelings for her somewhere inside me. And last night pulled them out.

After getting dressed quickly, I left the bedroom in search of the kitchen. My stomach grumbled and my hand settled over it. I didn't end up eating dinner last night.

I heard the noise before I stepped into the kitchen. Under the bright light, nearly everyone seemed to have come at some point.

Stacy and Steve sat at the table, laughing and joking with Wanda and Vision. Tony stood by the stove while Pepper yelled at him about burning her pancakes. It wasn't everyone, no. But it was the most it's been since Sokovia.

Seeing Pepper was a surprise. I wondered what made her come to the facility. She was never here.

"Nat, good morning." Steve said when he saw me. "How was your weekend?"

"Uh, it was good." I settled with that answer. I wasn't sure what answer would be a more accurate description of my depression and now the ex Russian spy in the house.

"FRIDAY told me that you had a guest last night." Tony said, stepping away from the stove and letting Pepper take over. "You guys have to remember to add names to the guest list. This is a multimillion dollar facility. Not just anyone can get in."

"Sorry, it was unexpected." I said.

"Who came over? You don't have any friends." Stacy asked, earning a smack in the arm from Steve.

My mouth ran dry. "Actually, I guess it's good you're all here at once. Her name's Galina. She's gonna be staying with us for a little while." I said. I hoped my voice didn't sound as shaky as I thought it did.

"Wait, Galina as in...?" Stacy asked.

Despite my best efforts, my face reddened. "Yes."

"Are you... blushing, Romanoff?"

"Can it, Stark." I rolled my eyes, faking a confidence I didn't have right now. "Don't you guys all have things to do?"

"Ah!" Pepper yelled. "I have to get back to the city."

"Yeah and Vision and I have plans to visit upstate." Wanda said, standing up.

Just like that, that brief moment of togetherness ended. Everyone got up and continued with their busy lives.

Stacy grabbed my hand as she left, telling me she expected a full report when she got back from visiting her mother at the mental hospital.

I only smiled as the last person finally left the kitchen and I was left alone. Dirty dishes still on the table, half made pancakes on the stove.

Though this time in the silence and that drafty feeling of being alone, I didn't mind it so much.

Galina Alexeev will return

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