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johannesburg south africa

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south africa


WHEN I heard the gunshots I knew that something was wrong. A small spark of worry flowed through me when I heard the familiar noise of Tony's repulsors. My fingers twitched.

I heard the heavy footsteps before I saw them and I prepared myself. I was ready to fight before they even turned the corner, and as soon as I had them in sight I was going for the kill.

Within seconds the four bodies were resting unpeacefully on the floor, necks broken in odd places. I didn't take any time to linger, and instead began to move.

I heard Steve's shield bouncing off the walls and somewhere in the distance, Ultron talking.

After turning the corner, my body collided with Stacy's. Our eyes met for half a second before the both of us nodded and we fell into our usual attack tactic.

There seemed to be robots everywhere, and it was an entirely different feeling than when we were killing aliens in New York.

"Just another day at work, right?" Stacy joked, aiming and firing at one of the said robots. The bullet landed in its neck, ending whatever transmission that was keeping it alive.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I retorted, aiming my own gun to take down the robots. "Who doesn't do this at work? It's like filing taxes."

Stacy laughed. "I'd much rather be doing this than filing my taxes."

"Thor, status." Steve's voice filled both our heads. My hand instinctively went to cover the comms device that made its home in my ear.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty..." Thor's voice trailed off.

The last robot in our vicinity went down and I looked at the inactive robot, eyebrows pulled together. "What's happening?" When I looked up at Stacy, I knew something was wrong.

She had dropped her gun and now sat on her knees. Her eyes were glazed over, as if they looked right through me. "Mom, mom!" She screamed. "No!"

Then something came over me. The room started to spin and my heart started to race. I felt dizzy and my mind felt like something had come over it. I stumbled towards the metal staircase.

I tried to call out for Steve, for Tony, for someone. But I couldn't feel my mouth. I couldn't force the words out.

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