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new york america

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new york


THE WAITING game was not something that I liked doing. I hated having to wait on Athena and Black Sun; but at this point, I didn't have anyone else to help me. It's not like Shield was around anymore.

My only other option was Stark; but I didn't need him knowing that much about me.

So I waited.

Until finally, finally, I woke up to an email from Athena.


I have good news and bad news. Galina was spotted in Romania. The bad news however, is that was three years ago. According to records, she lived there for a while. I am handling this personally and will be going to Romania myself. If you would like to attend, let me know, and I will send a jet.

I attached a file that includes a few pictures and employee documentations.

A. L.

The file did include a lot of information, and I was surprised to see how much Athena was able to dig up. I was thankful, too.

Various photographs of employment records and apartment leasings were included in the file. I wondered for a second on why she used her real name; but knowing that to the world, the baby born back in eighty five named Galina was dead.

Upon closer examination though, I released it wasn't Aleexev she was going by, but Romanova. The small print of my real last name was enough to tug my heart and I couldn't help but tear up.

"Galina." I laughed softly and shook my head.

I swiped the screen of the tablet and then the smile dropped on my face. A single photograph of her was displayed on the screen.

She looked so beautiful. Just as she always was. And not just because of my feelings for her; but because she is one of the most beautiful women I've ever know. 

Her dark hair was longer than ever in the photo; much longer than we were allowed to have at the Red Room. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown I had ever seen, even to this day.

She was so beautiful. I missed her so much.

Just as a tear fell from my eye, I started to laugh. "Jesus, I am going crazy." I said to myself.

After sending an email to Athena, asking to send a jet, I left my bedroom. It was still early in the morning, a few hours before noon. But I needed to talk to Stacy as soon as possible.

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