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sinaia romania

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ROMANIA WAS beautiful. As soon as we entered the city of Sinaia, both of us fell victim to the beauty it had. And I could picture Galina here. Even though the both of us had spent our youth in the Red Room, this beauty was something she dreamt about.

It looked almost like the little villages in fairy tales; Hansel and Gretal and all those kinds of stories. I remembered how much she loved those fairy tales. It was the one fun thing we got to do at the Red Room.

"Do you speak Romanian?" Athena asked me. It was still earlier but the town woke hours ago. The streets were busy.

"A little. Not as much as I should." I told her.

"Okay, I'll do the talking then."

I followed her lead into the tavern that Galina had supposedly been working at. There were a few people sitting at the tables, eating food and drinking coffee. The atmosphere reminded me of a bakery but the only difference was that they served actual meals here.

My mind couldn't fathom the idea of Galina being here. It seemed silly... and I know it was a bad thought, but for an assassin like her, a waste of time. She has killed men with a single hand, she had as much red in her ledger as me. How could she have ended up working in a bakery?

What happened the last time that I saw her? How did she get out of the secret police and end up here?

I knew why she didn't come for me; despite knowing where I was. I knew that she hated me.

Why should I spend this time trying to find her? It was clear that if she wanted me again she would have come. With a quick Google search, she could find out me and my work with the Avenger's.

Maybe this was a waste of time. She most likely wants me dead.

In my moment of doubt, Athena had tracked down the owner and got him to talk to her. I was only hesitant to follow, but I knew Athena was more than capable of handling herself.

Besides, I needed air.

The day was nice and the air was warm when I stepped out of the tavern. There were a few tables outside and I went to sit down.

It was in that moment I had noticed how shaky my hands were.

Looking around, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder.

What if I had acted differently the last time that I saw her? Would I have ended up here with her?

I couldn't imagine working at this silly tavern instead of doing what I do. I like the life I live now, I loved it. I love the family I have found.

the blackest of widows || n. romanoff ASSEMBLE ✔️Where stories live. Discover now