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the red room academy russia

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the red room academy


THE USUAL morning routine began the same way every morning. My eyes opened slowly when I heard the waking alarm outside and the jingling of keys as someone went around unlocking our doors.

I licked my lips and held onto the cover just a little bit tighter. I didn't want to get out of my bed. Not today.

My ears perked at the sound of Natalia getting out of bed. The lamp clicked on. The drawer opened and closed. She got dressed.

"You have to get up. I know you're awake." Natalia said. I heard the comb moving through her hair.

I grumbled and pulled the covers under my chin. It was warm and comforting under the blankets. I didn't want to move.

"Gal, you have to get up. You know this." She said softly. I felt the small mattress dip where she sat down and then her hand sat itself on my hip. "We're almost finished. I graduate soon."

I turned around in my spot and looked at her. "That does not make me feel any better. How are we to know where you will be after the ceremony?"

Natalia scoffed and leaned down, "We both know that Madame B will keep me around to help train more Widows. And then once I am able to, I will get you and I out."

"Where are we to go?" I asked impatiently and sat up. "Neither of ya know of the outside world. We don't know what year it is, what month it is, what day it is. What are we supposed to do?" I knew there was venom in my words but I couldn't help it.

Natalia looked at me as if I slapped her. "I... I don't know. But we can figure it out. We, we'll, I..."

"Exactly. You don't know." I said. "I know exactly what will happen. Even if you do end up staying here, I'll be sold as soon as the ceremony is completely. Probably to the KGB."

"Galina, I don't think..."

"And we'll never see each other again. We'll never be more than assassins and killers and monsters. I'd rather be dead."

"Don't say that! Don't you dare say that." Natalia said, anger growing in her tone. She grabbed my arm. "I promise you, whatever happens, you will walk free. We can go to America, yeah?"

I shook my head. "I'll die before I am free."

Natalia shook her head and moved her hand to cup under my chin. "Please don't say that, little mouse." A tear fell from my eye and she wiped it away. "I wish we could stay. But you need to get up. You need to get dressed. It will only be worse."

I nodded slowly. "I..."

"I know, I know." She said. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss on my lips. When we parted she sighed. "One day, we will have everything we ever wanted. I promise."

I wanted to believe her. I really did.


Later that day, I stood beside a piano in one of the training rooms. Only a group of the older Widows stood in the room; the ones that were most promising. We were the ones that excelled in all tasks given to us.

I had been surprised when Madame B directed us to come with her; instead of continuing our usual routines.

Now instead, we watched Natalia show off her skills with a gun. Each bullet hit the target exactly where she wanted them too. Shells hit the ground.

It was impressive. She was the best the academy had.

"Good. Very good." Madame B said with a nod of approval. "Bring him in, please."

The doors opened and two of her associates brought in a hostage. A bag was covering the man's head. My eyebrows drew together. What was happening?

The associates tied the man to a chair and then left without a word.

My eyes met Natalia's and we both questioned wordlessly what was going on.

"Natalia, kill him." Madame B said.

The man froze for a second. "What? No, no! I have not done anything, please."

"He's innocent?" Natalia asked Madame B.

"No man is innocent. Kill him, or face failure."

Natalia glanced back at me for half a second. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to help her. There was nothing I could do.

"Kill him. No hesitation. You can not hesitate!"

Natalia cocked the gun and raised it. Her hands were shaking.

We all watched her pull the trigger and kill the man that was pleading for his life. When his screams silenced, so did the room. Nobody said a thing.

Madame B took a step closer to Natalia with a smile on her old face. "You are ready."

Natalia looked up at the woman. I felt my stomach drop. No. It wasn't supposed to happen so soon. We were supposed to have more time.

"For what?" Natalia asked.

"Don't be stupid." Madame B remarked. "The ceremony. It is time for you to take your place in the world."


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