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That familiar clink of the Iron Man suit touching down was what brought me back to the world. My head was spinning from the spill I had just taken and I still felt the heat of the truck that exploded only a few feet away from me.

"Is this part of the plan?" I asked Tony as he helped me to my feet. Behind him, Stacy was putting out the flames that spread on her arm.

"My plan was to go easy on them." He said.

"Well I say that we switch it up." Stacy said as she approached us. A cut was bleeding underneath her eye. I knew this wasn't easy for her. It wasn't easy for me either.

"Now what?" Rhodey said.

"Now I guess we fight." Tony said.

We all heard Vision yelling something to Steve, and that was our cue to move. Stacy and I hitched a ride with Tony while the rest of the team caught up.

Now I stood in a divided family. The sun was unforgiving over us which only added to my discomfort.

Across the lot stood Steve, who was backed by those that choice him. Bucky, of course. And Athena with them. Sam and their recruit, Scott. Wanda and Clint. And lastly Galina, who stood beside Wanda.

Next to me was Stacy, and behind her was Parker and then Vision. Rhodey was besides Tony. And then T'Challa.

This is where the cookie crumbled. Sides were taken, friendships broken and strained. I knew exactly how Stacy felt as she stared at Steve across the lot. I felt the same way when Galina choose them over me.

Steve must have said something because they all started walking.

"This is gonna end well," Stacy said to me.

"Doesn't it always."

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