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Seung-jeon woke up feeling very dizzy. She opened her eyes just to see herself laying in Hanseok's Bed. She was even covered with a blanket. She got confused. She then slowly stood up.

She went out of the room, walking through the hallway. She tip toed trying to peak from downstairs but there was no one. As if she was home alone.

It was actually very strange for her since Hanseo was supposed to be here.

She assumed that everything she went through earlier was a nightmare, or a dream, and that she just fell asleep forgetting how she got there.

She slowly went downstairs and again. There was no one. Although, She did see the guards outside so she walked up to one of them and asked

"Excuse me, do you know Hanseo went? "

She asked confused. While the Guard looked to her and replied

"He already left earlier since the chairman arrived."

She was confused because there wasn't a person both upstairs and downstairs except for the guards.
The guard looked at her back noticing something.

"So where is Hanseok? "

"He's right behind you"

"Huh..? "

Confused she looked at her back just to see Hanseok chewing on some gummy bears while looking at her.

"Hey ChaSeung!" He greeted her.

He then threw a gummy bear at her as a tease.

She sighed in annoyance and just walked to the stairs again while Hanseok followed her.

"Weren't you looking for me? "

He asked as she was about to go upstairs, she ignored him still. She walked to the room. When she got there she was about to close the door, but he forcefully pushed the door. He went inside the room too. she rolled her eyes out of annoyance

"I wasn't looking for you, okay now?"

"Psh, I know you were"

He said teasingly. Tilting his head to the right side

"Can you get out..? "

Seung-jeon annoyingly says trying to push him to get out

"Well you see, this is my room"

He said teasingly once again. She stayed flustered

"W-well, So?....." She looked at random things, avoiding his gaze. She then cleared her throat. "Fine stay!"

She yelled out of annoyance making him grin she just quickly got in bed wrapping the blanket on herself. She tried closing her eyes to sleep but she couldn't really fall asleep.

Though she had her eyes closed, she could hear Hanseok munching on gummy bears.

She slowly opened her eyes- "Hanseok, when I was with Hanseo earlier the lights suddenly went off then someone injected something onto me." She spoke in a soft manner.

"It's nothing to worry about now. It's been taking care of." Hanseok replied. But Seungjeon just didn't feel right about it.

"You always say that." She complained. "I just don't want you to worry." He replied again.

She then sighed and proceeded to close her eyes again to sleep.

After a few minutes, She couldn't sleep. She opened her eyes to see Hanseok sitting on the right side of the bed, looking at the view from outside the window. He was hugging his knees, leaning his back on the bed.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now