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She is left speechless looking at him. After 5 minutes, they arrived to his mansion. She just looks anywhere with a emotionless face. Hanseok gets out of the car and walks to the side of the car to carry her knowing she couldn't walk.

He opens the door and carries her in a bridal style then closing the door of the car. he brings her inside his mansion, while she just stares at him blankly. Hanseok then walks to the living room, with her in his arms.

Carrying her, and places her down the couch she just looks at the floor wondering if she would die or just get tortured in here. Hanseok goes to some room to get something when he came back he saw her speechless and emotionless, probably startled or shocked from what he said he sits beside Seung-jeon with a first aid kit in his hands, He then sits beside her.

He looks at her before taking out the ointment. He opened the cap and squishes some ointment on his hands before applying it to the wound on her forehead.

Despite the stinging pain on her forehead because of the medicine her eyes could tell she felt pain from the medicine he was applying onto her forehead, he just scoffs and smiles at her, she looks at him making eye contact ready to ask him a question.

"Are you gonna kill me? "

She asks looking at him both left and right of his eyes, curious. he stops applying the ointment and closes the lid of the medicine and looks back at her eyes.

"Why would I? "

He answers her question still making eye contact

"Then what will you do? "

She asks him still looking in both his eyes

"You asked me to get you out of there so I did"

"Yea but-"

"I can put you back there you want to? "

She was gonna talk back but decided to stay quiet and shaked her head gesturing a "No", lowering her head.

He stops what he was doing and faced her.

"I'm not going to kill you, Okay? don't be scared."

He then takes a bandage from the first aid kit and puts it slowly onto her forehead, He smiled

"It's my first time treating someone."

She looked at him.

"You're done now."

He stands up and walks away with the first aid kit in his hands. Seung-jeon looked around the house noticing how expensive it was she didn't have time to look around the room earlier because she was distracted in thinking what would happen to her, she now had a good look on how rich this man could actually be.

she looks everywhere on the place she was, she didn't have anything to do so she stared blankly at the view outside his house.

minutes passed..

"Want some food? "

Her eyes turn to Hanseok who returned.

She nods, He then goes over to her and carries her in a bridal style. Hanseok walks over to the kitchen and places her on a chair where the counter was facing. she sees a bowl of ramen with an egg on top of it.

Seung-jeon slightly smiles and starts eating while he just looks at her eating up she notices Hanseok wasn't eating and only she was.

"Arent you gonna eat? "

She asks worried he might starve he just shakes his head as a "no"

"Then eat"

She tells him pleadingly

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now