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*Ring ring

"Oh, Someone's calling. Excuse me for a minute." Vincenzo spoke.

Vincenzo then stepped out for a moment, while Seungjeon looked back at Mr. Cho.

"Seungjeon-ssi?" Mr. Cho spoke.

Her eyes blinked. She gulped. "Sure I guess." She answered with a slight tremble in her voice. She lowered her eyes.

Her thoughts raced through her mind. She was certain. It was him. The man who kidnapped her and started questioning her.

Seungjeon looked back at Mr. Cho, She could see through Mr. Cho's eyes, He was staring intensely at her.

They knew. They both felt the quiet tension, as Chayoung was staring at both of them- "What's wrong with you guys?" Chayoung spoke.

She remained silent. Vincenzo then walked back in.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can come. I have to sort something out." Vincenzo spoke.

Chayoung then slowly nodded her head. "Oh my wife might be looking for me, I don't think I can come too." Mr. Cho spoke.

"I guess that leaves us both!" Chayoung spoke in a playful way while facing Seungjeon.

Seungjeon smiled at her.

"I'll get going now." Mr. Cho spoke staring intensely at Seungjeon before walking away.

Seungjeon sighed.


"That's why... you should loathe Babel!" Chayoung yelled.

They were both drunk. It was 3am in the morning..

"B-Babel was that....evil?" Seungjeon asked with a drunk tone.

"Right! I swear... If murder was legel..you see! I could just..."

Chayoung stood up and punched the air. She began kicking the air.

Seungjeon who was watching had laughed. She kept on laughing.. and laughing until her head was getting so dizzy. She was getting lightheaded.

She squinted her eyes. Then.. fell.
She let her head fall on the table.

"Hey.. Seungjeon! you can't sleep yet....Hey! there's still more beer!!" Chayoung yelled once more.

"Aish.. You've only had 5 sips!" She muttered.

"Hanseok..." Seungjeon mumbled. "What was that?" Chayoung asked.

Seungjeon suddenly started sobbing.

"Hey, what's wrong with you..?" Chayoung asked worriedly.

"I miss him.. I miss him so much..I miss.." She kept mumbling while sobbing. "Aish! I can't understand you Seungjeon-ah!" Chayoung yelled.

Seungjeon raised her head.

"Why are you yelling at me!" She also yelled. While her voice was trembling.

She sobbed again. "Oh I'm sorry.. I really just can't..uh.." Chayoung held her head.

"I miss Ha..." Seungjeon passed out on the table.

"Who is Ha?" Chayoung asked.

"My head hurts so much.." Chayoung muttered.


The morning came. The sun shined on the two women who were both a complete mess.

Seungjeon opened her eyes. She sat up. Then, her head suddenly started spinning. She held her forehead with both hands.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now