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Champagne exploded from inside the cake as the timer ended.

Hanseok scoffed. He laughed in disbelief. Seungjeon held his hand slowly.

"Let's go." She spoke softly looking at the place. Hanseok then sighed and followed her.


Hanseok was now driving.

"How did you know I was there?" He asked. "I asked the guard." She replied.

"Were you that in a rush?" He asked looking at Seungjeon who was still wearing the hospital clothes.

She hid her face in embarrassment. She spoke up avoiding eye contact,"Ah about that.."

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

She then faced him and nodded with a smile. While he focused on the road now.

As she looked back outside the window, She thought about the conversation he had with her dad again.

It kept replaying in her brain. She feels her heart drop everytime.

She now sighed and layed her head on the window. She closed her eyes and slept.


It was midnight.

Seungjeon couldn't sleep. Though she was now laying down in bed she had a lot on her mind.

She heared the door open-

She saw Hanseok walk in. "I can't seem to sleep." He spoke in a low tone rubbing his eyes.

She sat up and smiled softly at him. He smiled back and layed beside her.

He raised his arms- "I want a hug." He spoke softly.

"Are you a kid?" She spoke chuckling, She now layed on his arms. He was now cuddling her.

They felt comfort in each other's warmth. "I love you." He spoke.

She paused. Suddenly, the flashback of Hanseok and her dad's conversation came to mind again. Her smile faded.

She remained silent for a few seconds. "Do you mean that?" She asked.

He slightly let go of the hug and faced her. "What do you mean?"

"Do you really love me?" She asked raising an eyebrow. He remained silent and stared into her eyes.

"To be honest I-" She was about to speak but was interrupted-

He moved closer to her face and gently kissed her. She was stunned but slowly held his face and kissed back.

The kiss was passionate. Her hands would run down his cheeks, to his neck, then slowly moving to his hair.

He held her waist closer. As the kiss went deeper-

Though, Hanseok's conversation with her dad appeared in her head again.

She let go of the kiss and leaned her forehead on his. He looked deeply in her eyes though she was avoiding eye contact.

"I wake up everyday to see this face." He spoke gently touching her cheeks with both his hands.

She stared at him with doubt in her heart, "How could a man using me act like this?" She thought to herself.

She could only stare back at his eyes. To be frank, they stared at each other's eyes for seconds. Before Seungjeon looked away.

She hugged him tightly. He slightly chuckled and hugged back.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now