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"Me and my father were in danger in China because of the Guillotine file, many people were coming for it, you know.. So..my father had to take me to Korea to protect me."

Seungjeon told Hanseok. He listened to her with a soft gaze as Seungjeon was laying down on Hanseok's lap.

He brushed his fingers through her hair as the sun shined brightly on them.

"Who named you?" He asked.

"My father named me "Daiyu", but when I was brought to the adoption center, My mom registered my name as Cha Seungjeon." She answered.

He softly smiled at her. "Daiyu.. It suits you." Hanseok spoke while admiring her face. She smiled at him.

"I'll call you that instead." He spoke once more.

*Ring ring

"Aish who is it this time.." He muttered picking up his phone.


"Hanseo that prick..hah." Hanseok spoke and smirked. He then turned off the call.

Seungjeon sat up and ruffled his hair. "Hey, Be more nicer to your brother." She spoke.

He sneered. "If you say so.."


The next day came.

Seungjeon was sitting beside Hanseok on a couch. It was in Hanseok's office—

Ms. Choi, Mr. Han and Hanseo were also in there. The TV was on and the News was playing.

"Reportedly, Babel's Chairman, Jang Hanseok has murdered 4 of his classmates back in highschool."

Seungjeon looked at Hanseok with a concerned look on. He sighed while clenching his fist high.

"Just how did they know? Even Mr. Oh wouldn't find out about my teenage years.." Hanseok spoke.

Seungjeon then had realized. She knew how the information was exposed, She lowered her head looking at the ground.

"Oi! did you tell them?" Hanseok called out to Hanseo.

Hanseo scoffed in disbelief.
"I didn't tell them! They said I did drugs and was in therapy ever since I was a baby. Do you think I want that on news?", He yelled out.

"Hm, you are right.." Hanseok muttered to himself.

Seungjeon spoke up,"The Guillotine file..." The attention of them four immediately went to her.

They all had their eyes on her.

"That information was in The Guillotine file." She spoke up lowering her head and fidgeting with her fingers.

Ms. Choi then frowned and pointed at her. "Then are you saying..?"

Seungjeon faced her. "It's not with me."

a few days ago..

"But Daiyu, I heared the Guillotine file was with you?" Vincenzo spoke curiously.

She raised her head and frowned.
"Even you..? Is this so Important?" She asked in disbelief.

Before Vincenzo could speak, Seungjeon darted her eyes at him.

"I don't want to. I don't want to give it to anyone.." Seungjeon spoke lowering her eyes.

"So you could give it to Hanseok?" Vincenzo spoke.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now