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"Hey Seungjeon! give me back my lollipop!" Jooyoung yelled chasing after her.

"I don't want to!" She sticked her tongue out.

"Ow!" Seungjeon tripped. "Hah! caught you!" Jooyoung took the lollipop from her hands.

Seungjeon cried like a baby. "Hey..?" Jooyoung called out.

"Seungjeon..? I'm sorry.. you can have my lollipop." He handed it back to her.

Seungjeon then pouted. "My knee" She sobbed.

"You kids! what are you doing here?" a Nun spoke."Seungjeon hurt her knee please help me!"

"Aigoo, This is why I told you to stop running." The nun spoke.

"Jooyoung-ah come here!" another nun called. Seungjeon followed the nun who was helping her to get treated--

-"This should be done for now" The nun put on a bandage on her wound.

"After this, avoid running if not necessary, Okay?" Seungjeon nodded.

She now went out of the room and looked for Jooyoung. She walked to the chapel and saw him crying with foreigners infront of him.

"I'm not coming! I'll wait for my mom!" He protested. She felt pity watching him cry like that.

Jooyoung then ran outside the chapel.

"Jooyoung-ah?" Seungjeon called. She hugged him. "It's okay, It's all going to be okay." She assured him.

He sobbed in her arms..

-"are you okay now?" She asked. Jooyoung let go of the hug and nodded at her.

"Are those foreigners gonna adopt you?" Jooyoung then nodded again.

"I don't want to go to Italy.. My mom said she will come back for me!"

Seungjeon held his hands. "But won't you have a better life there?"

Jooyoung shaked his head. "I don't want to! not without my mom!"

She patted his shoulder. "Also when I go to Italy, What if I never see you again?"

"They also said they would name me Vincenzo there.." Jooyoung added.

"That's cool!" Seungjeon said in a playful way.

She looked at him in the eyes. But Jooyoung was against it- "You're like a little sister to me! I can't lose you too..."

"If that means you'll live a better life, I would prefer that though." Seungjeon answered.

"Ugh I really hate you!" Jooyoung stormed out and walked away. Seungjeon chuckled and followed him..

"Hey Jooyoung!" ...


"Vincenzo?" Seungjeon remembered. She knows now. That's why he spoke in a different language.

Seungjeon smiled as she realized. "Do you work for Babel too?" Chayoung asked her.

Seungjeon answered, "Oh Actually-"

"She doesn't." Hanseok spoke.
"Let's go" Hanseok added, while he held her hand surprisingly.

The both of them walked away.

"What is with them?" Vincenzo asked. "None of your business" Seunghyuk replied with a scoff.


"How do you know Vincenzo?" Hanseok asked while driving.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now