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"Hanseok look at these fishes! woww they're so cute~" Seungjeon pointed. She smiled at the fishes.

He tucked her hair behind her ear.

She then held his hand and walked through the aquarium with him. They explored the place..

Seungjeon was having a lot of fun.
While Hanseok just went with whatever she did.

After awhile Seungjeon faced him. She saw Hanseok reading a poster with information about Goldfishes.

She then walked very closely to him, tilting her head and smiling. He then gazed at her. "Why?" He asked.

She smiled with her teeth.
He chuckled at her.

Hanseok crossed his arms and spoke up— "I was always top in my class when I was in highschool you know. I then took Fine Arts in college, I studied languages like-" She then puckered her lips.

"Oooooo~ You're one of a kind then!" Seungjeon spoke playfully.

"I'm not even done speaking yet!" Hanseok argued while pouting. She ruffled his hair and giggled.

"I also took Fine Arts.." She spoke looking at the ground. He tilted his head looking at her.

"I just..put my talent to waste"
She mumbled to herself, walking away.. Hanseok then followed after her.

"Chaseung!" Hanseok called out.
Seungjeon faced him. "Hm?"

"Marry me" He spoke out loud.

Seungjeon scoffed at him. "Go see a psychiatrist."

Hanseok then stood there in disbelief. While Seungjeon turned her back at him.

He walked faster to her. "I'm serious." He spoke from behind.

Seungjeon paused for a few seconds then faced him. She then looked at him slowly smiling. Hanseok snickered.

Seungjeon brought her right hand to him. Hanseok then looked at her suprised. She nodded at him.

"It's a yes." She spoke, smiling with her teeth.

He smiled brightly at her. He brought out a ring. She looked at the ring. It was from Swarvoski, The ring was rose gold and and had a diamond which was designed as a sun.

Though, She was happy.. She didn't think she deserved this.

He then wore the ring around her. He stood up, and held her face.

They looked into each others eyes. "After all of this is done, let's arrange the marriage." He spoke.

She nodded smiling at him.


Hanseok was in his closet choosing a watch- He pondered and choose a silver one. He then stepped out of the closet.

He saw Seungjeon. She was wearing a white sparkly dress.

"Are you ready?" He asked. She then smiled and nodded at him.


The reporters gathered around Hanseok. They bombarded him with multiple questions.

As Hanseok linked arms with Seungjeon walking through the hallway.

"Who Is She?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Sir, What do you say about-"

Hanseok stopped walking and faced one of the reporters.

"She's my fiancé" He spoke in a formal way. "Isn't she pretty? take a look at her." He added. Seungjeon then smiled awkwardly. "Hey, stop this." She whispered.

Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now