𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 💫

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It was a rainy day.

Hanseok was feeding Daiyu, some Soybean Paste stew.

"Is it Delicious?" He asked.

She nodded smiling at him.

"You should taste it too!" She spoke taking the spoon off his hands.

She then took a spoonful of rice and dipped it in the soup, She then brought it close to his mouth.

"Give it to me, I'm not a kid-"

"Shhhhh! Just eat!" She scolded him with a pout.

He chuckled and just ate the rice.

"See! It tastes good right?"

He nodded.


Hanseok was now laying on Daiyu's lap. As they watched from the TV.

The sound of rain gustling..

Hanseok then sat up and suddenly turned off the TV

"Hey what was that!" Daiyu spoke raising an eyebrow.

He smiled patting her head.

"If you had the chance, where would you go?" He asked.

"So suddenly? Oh well..I guess Mexico?"


"Hmm..I heared the beaches there were nice. "

He then nodded slowly listening to her.

"But why are you asking out of the blue?" She asked him.

"Nothing." He replied playfully.

He then stood up and was about to walk to the stairs. She followed him.

"Hey! I won't stop following you until you tell me why!"

He chuckled at her. "Chase me then!" He yelled running.

"I'll flick my finger on your forehead if I do!" She yelled back.

"Go on try then!

He ran to his room as Daiyu ran after him too.

She caught him.

She then was about to finger flick his forehead but He pulled her in bed which caught her off guard.

She widened her eyes as he hugged her while looking at her.

She slowly smiled. "You sly man!"

He chuckled softly as he tucked her in his embrace. He kissed her forehead.

They looked into each other's eyes.

They didn't even need words. You could see it in their eyes how much they love each other.

It was a sight of two lovers falling more deeply into each other.

if only everything ended like that.


5 years from now..

"If you look at this side, you will see "Kěwàng àiqíng" a painting from one of the most famous young artists in China. The late, Wang Daiyu."

" "Kěwàng àiqíng" which in english means "Longing for love". The late Wang Daiyu had made this to represent the feeling of longing for a loved one."

"Miss?" One of the kids raised their hand.


"What happened to Ms. Wang Daiyu, then?"

"Well she was suffering from dissociative amnesia, by the time she had remembered all her memories it was too late because her husband had died."


"This was the painting she left before she had died."

"Now.. take a close look."


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Beauty and the Beast [장한석] - VincenzoWhere stories live. Discover now