Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Crickets chirped in the background. Owls hooted from behind the bark of the trees. Under the shadow of the moonlit night sat a disillusioned Sanchi, overwhelmed by the grief over the egregious accident of her husband.

Vihaan, who had been her strongest pillar all through her life was now lying lifelessly in a pool of blood, decked below the door of the car next to the driver’s seat. After his car got blasted by the amount of gunpowder kept hidden in the car’s chest, it had run into the tree trunk that could have not been prevented by Vihaan himself.

The casualty that took place was so precarious that it didn’t feel pity to take away Pratyush’s life and leave Vihaan behind, who was badly injured. Vihaan, who was now fighting for a little breath and a helping hand from Sanchi, groaned painfully as if every word he struggled to utter would cost him his life.

“Sanch—” He took a deep breath as Sanchi threw her arms around him, letting his head confine into the folds of her small lap. “Send our tw-wins away. Their lives at risk. . . to kill them… Gone to Shimla…”

Sanchi was deeply at a loss of words. For once, she felt that her life was dwindling into some pit which had no end. The pitiful state of Vihaan wasn’t worth watching and having her dress stained with his blood was even more, a horrible nightmare.

“Vih— I will get thi-ngs done right away. You just ke-ep your eyes open… Let your eyes see thro-ugh mine as we rea-ch the nearby hosp-ital.”

Sanchi did not know what she would do in such a moment of chaos. Arjun, the second person she thought could be of help to her was himself grieving over the loss of his own sibling. All the more, Sanchi also had the responsibility of Tejal who had just lost her husband.

“I have the blood of a war...ior and the valor of a lion, Sanc-chi.” Vihaan muttered, heaving heavily. “I was train...ed to protect myself from this site...tion but Pratyush was... I couldn’t save him… I…”

“Don’t take the entire blame to your-self. The situa-tion was too diffi-cult to be controlled.”

“You sho...uld escape now, Sanchi… Save our twins… is after my life… your life… Our twins… wants to erase the exis...tence of my extended family— my wife and my chil...dren…” Vihaan murmured, clasping her palms. “Tejal and her child also at risk… also wan...ts to kill them.”

“Who wants to? Is he Abhimanyu Rana? Arjun’s father?”

“I do not know... but I am sure of the threats… They may alre...ady at Shimla for our twins… They know Pihu and Rihu...are at camp…” Vihaan uttered in a pleading voice. “Save them… Just go…”

“As much as our twi-ns are to me, so you are, Vih. I can’t lea-ve you here.”

“But I can’t accom...pany you. I may give up on my life any soon...”

“You can’t so lo-ng as I am wi-th you.”

“Your life is in dan...danger too… They will kill both of us if th...they reach us. They will kill Tej...Tejal and her child…”

“You told me th-at they are going to Shi-mla so they may not be follow-ing us. This is the best oppor-tunity to escape from here.”

“You ne...ed to save our twins and send the...them far away. In any case, if they find out ab...about our where...abouts, they will not sp...spare any of us.” He was pleading his heart out. “I am not in a state to pro...tect any of you...”

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