New Journey, New Life

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Hi, I'm Mia and this is is my third and final story of my life! I have just graduated high school and about to start college. I got accepted into not one, but two different colleges; SCSU in Connecticut and Sydney Uni in Australia. 

But I decided to go Sydney Uni, which means, I have to fly to Sydney, Australia and leave my family, my friends and of course, my boyfriend, Grayson Lee behind, in order to study there, and move in with my relatives, who lives there. Before I left for college, Grayson and I both agree to go long-distance in our relationship. 

On the day of my departure, I said my goodbyes to my family, friends and Grayson, who is attending to Yale University in Connecticut and I depart Los Angeles and fly to Sydney where my uncle, Daniel, my aunt, Amanda and my cousins, Mike, Sarah and Hannah are waiting for my arrival at the airport. 

Once I arrive, I reunite with my relatives and they took me back to their house. Upon the car trip back to the house, I am happy and excited to start my journey in another country. "Welcome back.", Daniel smiled, as we drove across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and I look through the window with excitement.

In the U.S., Grayson arrives to Connecticut after driving from Los Angeles. He arrives to Yale and parks his car at the campus parking lot, pick up some of his things from his car and find his dorm room. He looks through the paper forms and finds his dorm room, where his roommate is already in the room, unpacking his own stuff. "Hey.", Grayson greeted.

His roommate turns and sees Grayson behind him. "Hey, you must be Grayson!", he smiled. "Yes, I'm Grayson. And you are?", Grayson asked. "Sorry. I'm Todd, Todd Mason. I guess we're each other's roommates.", Todd replied, shaking hands with Grayson. "Yeah. Anyways, which side are you taking?", Grayson replied.

"Well, I was thinking the left side, if that's ok with you.", Todd replied. "To be honest, I actually wanted the right side, so the left side is yours.", Grayson smiled. "Thanks, man. I think we'll make great friends besides roommates.", Todd replied. "Yeah, I agree.", Grayson smiled, as he and Todd shake hands. 

Grayson's sister, Margot and their cousin, Araminta, who are also my best friends left Los Angeles to go to college. Margot got accepted to University of Tokyo, in Tokyo, Japan while Araminta got accepted to the Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea. It's hard not going to the same college together and not being around them anymore, but we promise to keep in touch. 

After an hour drive from the Sydney Airport, we finally arrived back at the house. I was shown into the guest room, which is now my room during my stay in Australia. "We've cleared the room for you, and we can go shopping and buy some things to decorate the room, to make it like your room back home in LA.", Hannah replied. 

"Thanks guys. I would like that.", I smiled. "Come on, let's go to the city to get some lunch and shop for your room.", Sarah replied. "Ok, let's go.", I smiled, leaving my bags in my room and head out with my cousins to the city. 

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