Getting Ready For College

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After spending the whole day shopping in the city with Hannah and Sarah, we both return home with lots of shopping goodies. My older cousin, Mike and his girlfriend, Olive are at home, watching a movie on Netflix when we arrived home. 

"Whoa, what's all this?", Mike asked. "Decors and other stuff for Mia's room.", Sarah replied. "Are you sure it's necessary to have all of this?", Mike asked. "I'm college now, Mikey and I wanna this room to feel like my old room back home in L.A.", Mia smiled. "I think that's a great idea, Mia.", Olive replied. 

"Anyways, where's Mom and Dad?", Hannah asked. "They've gone out to the city for dinner, they'll be home till late.", Mike replied. "Ok, have you guys had dinner yet?", Olive asked. "No. You?", Mia asked. "No, I was thinking we can order some pizza.", Mike replied. "Pizza sounds good.", Mia smiled. 

"Anyways, I need to unpack my bags and start decorating.", Mia sighed. "Want some help?", Sarah asked. "Sure, I would like that.", Mia smiled. "I'm down to help.", Olive replied. "Ok. Mikey?", Mia asked. "Sure.", Mike replied, as we all went inside the room to get started. 

We started by decorating the whole room with photo frames, fairy lights, fake plants, pillows and posters. Then, we unpack my bag full of books, stationary items, placing them on my study desk and placing my beauty products on my dresser. Lastly, we unpack my bag of clothes, and put them all in the closet, and store my luggages inside the closet. 

After putting a few final finishing touches, my room is complete and it looks like my room back home in L.A. My cousins and I sigh in relief after spending almost 2 hours unpacking and decorating the entire room. "We did it!", I sighed, as I put out both of my hands to give them all a high-five. 

Everyone gave me a hi-five. "I'm hungry.", Olive replied. "Me too.", Mia sighed. "I'll go and order us a pizza.", Mike replied, pulling out his phone from his pocket and call the pizza place, to order a pizza for delivery. We had pizza together at the table and talking about my plans for my first day at college tomorrow.

"So, tomorrow's your first day at uni?", Mike asked. "Yeah, tomorrow is a big day for me.", I sighed. "What's your plan?", Olive asked. "Well, I need to get my timetable, go to my classes and maybe meet some new people and make friends.", I replied. "That's a good idea. We're happy for you.", Mike replied, as we all laugh together. 

"Anyways, it's late and I should get back home. We have an early start in the morning, Mike.", Olive replied. "Yeah, get your stuff ready and I'll get my keys.", Mike replied. "Ok.", Olive smiled, as she leaves the room. "Hey, girls. There's something I need to tell you all, but Olive can't know about this.", Mike whispered. 

"Yeah, of course. What is it?", I asked. "I'm going to ask Olive to marry me.", Mike replied. "What?!", I cried, but Mike shushes me. "Sorry.", I whispered. "Oh Mike, I'm so happy for you." Hannah cried. "When are you going to propose?", Sarah asked. "Maybe outside, before I take her home.", Mike replied. 

"Ok.", I replied. "Can we see the ring?", Sarah asked. "Yeah.", Mike replied, pulling out the ring box and open it up, showing us the beautiful diamond engagement ring, which is a princess-cut diamond. "Wow, it's beautiful.", Hannah cried. "We're so happy for you, Mike.", Sarah sighed. 

Then, Olive comes in and Mike quickly puts the ring away before Olive could see it. "Ok, you're ready?", Olive asked. "Yeah, let me just get my keys and we're ready to go.", Mike replied, as he gets up from his seat and grab his car keys. "Cya later, girls.", Mike replied. "Bye.", my cousins and I call out at the same time, and they left. 

My cousins and I rushes to the my bedroom window, where the front is and see Mike and Olive standing outside the house, talking. "What is he doing? Isn't he going to propose?", I asked. "Don't worry, he will. Just wait.", Hannah smiled. 

Mike then goes down on one-knee in front of Olive, proposing her with the ring in hand. Olive is surprised. "Olivia Kingston, will you marry me?", Mike asked. "Yes, I will marry you.", Olive smiled, accepting his proposal. Up from my bedroom window, my cousins and I cheer them on, after hearing Olive's answer. 

"She said yes!", Hannah cried, as Mike and Olive saw the three of us cheering happily from my room. Mike puts the ring on Olive's finger and they kiss for the first time as an engaged couple. Mike and Olive then goes to his car and they drive off to Olive's, while I sat by my window and watch them drive away. 

That night, I FaceTime Grayson, who is unpacking his stuff in his college dorm room with Todd. His phone goes off and Todd is curious. "Who's calling you?", Todd asked. "My girlfriend.", Grayson smiled, as he saw my name on the phone screen, and answers the call. 

"Hey, babe.", Grayson greeted. "Hi, baby.", I smiled. "How's your flight?", Grayson asked. "It's good, I've been trying to settle into the house.", I smiled. "That's great.", Grayson replied. "How's your trip to Connecticut?", I asked. "It was good, but tiring.", Grayson smiled. "I'm glad to hear that.", I smiled, before noticing Todd behind Grayson. 

"Who's that behind you?", I asked. Grayson turns and back to the phone. "That's just my roommate, Todd.", Grayson replied. Todd join the video call to greet me. "Hey, I'm Todd. You must be Grayson's girlfriend.", Todd smiled. "Yes, nice to meet you Todd. I'm Mia.", I smiled. 

"Nice to meet you too, Mia. I better get back to unpacking. But it's great to meet you.", Todd smiled, as he leaves. "What are you doing now?", Grayson asked. "Well, I'm going to have an early morning, so I better get some rest, tomorrow's my first day at Sydney Uni.", I replied. 

"Ok, I'll let you go and get some sleep, and I'll message you when it's night for me.", Grayson replied. "Ok, sounds good.", I smiled. "I miss you so much, babe.", Grayson sighed. "I miss you too. I miss you so much. We'll see each other soon.", I sighed. "I know. Goodnight, Mia. I love you.", Grayson sighed. "I love you too, bye.", I sighed, ending the FaceTime call. 

I then took a shower, change into my pyjamas and get into bed, looking at a photo of Grayson and myself on my phone. I smiled and put my phone on my nightstand, before turning off the lights and drift off to sleep. 

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