Getting to Know Each Other

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One day in class, I'm heading to my next class when Nic comes by and called me out. "Mia!", Nic called, which caught my attention. "Oh, hey Nic!", I greeted with a smile. "Heading to class?", Nic asked. "Yes. You?", I asked. 

"Yeah, I mean we're going to be in the same class, so we're heading the same way.", Nic replied. Nic and I head to our next class together and it felt strange at first, but I could get used to it. "Hey, wanna go and see a movie after class?", Nic asked. 

"Umm, ok? Are you trying to ask me out on a date or something? Because if you are, I'm afraid I got to say no, because I have a boyfriend back home.", I replied. Nic quickly react to my words. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I wasn't planning to asking you out on a date. I'm just asking out if you want to go and see a movie with me, as a friend and maybe getting to know each other.", Nic cried. 

"Oh, sorry. It's just that, my boyfriend's studying at Yale and we're trying to make long distance work, and I don't want to get close to another guy behind his back.", I sighed. "I understand. You want to make things work between you and him.", Nic sighed. 

"Yes, I do and I don't want to make things complicated.", I replied. "I understand if you don't want to go to the movies with me. I'll won't ask again.", Nic replied, as he walks away. "Nic!", I called out, which caught his attention and he turns back to me. "I'm down to see a movie.", I replied. 

"Ok!", Nic smiled. "As friends!", I cried, pointing my finger at him. "Yes, as friends, I know.", Nic replied. "You pay for the tickets and I'll pay for the popcorn?", I asked. "Yeah, sure. Tonight at 6?", Nic asked. "Sure, at 6.", I smiled, as we head to class together. 

After a day at uni, I return home to get ready for the movies with Nic. I told Lyla about it and she is not surprised about it. "Are you really going on a date with a guy who isn't your boyfriend?", Lyla asked. "It's not a date, Ly-Ly. We're just going to see a movie, as friends.", I replied. 

"This is a bad idea, Mia. You can't go out with another guy like that, not when you already have a boyfriend, it's wrong. What if Grayson finds out about this?", Lyla asked. "I'll let Gray know before I go, he'll understand.", I replied. 

"Good! Because you shouldn't be lying or keeping secrets from him, and you promised him that you'll never lie to him or keep secrets from him ever again.", Lyla replied. "Yes, I know.", I sighed. "Lyla! Come down, you'll be late for school!", Mom called out from the background. 

"Sorry, Mia. I better get going, before Mom yells at me again.", Lyla replied. "Ok, go and I'll talk to you soon.", I smiled. "Ok, but tell Grayson first!", Lyla replied, pointing her finger at the screen. "Yes, Mom.", I sighed with annoyance. "Shut up!", Lyla scoffed. "Bye.", I replied. "Bye.", Lyla sighed, ending the call. 

After Lyla left, I sighed in relief. I then went on my phone to video-call Grayson and had some thoughts about telling him about going to the movies with Nic. In my mind, I was questioning myself if I should tell Grayson about tonight or not. 

But Lyla is right, I couldn't lie to him or keep anymore secrets from him, and I made that promise to him before I left for college, and the next thing I know, I tapped on Grayson's name, making a video-call to him. Grayson answers my call and I froze in fear. 

"Hey, babe!", Grayson greeted, but I didn't reply to his words, as I remain frozen. Grayson notice something strange. "Babe, are you ok?", Grayson asked, but I still didn't say a word. "Mia!", Grayson called out, which startles me. "Yeah?", I asked. "Are you ok? You froze.", Grayson replied.

"Sorry, I was just surprised.", I smiled. "Ok. So what is it?", Grayson asked. "I'm going to see a movie with a friend tonight and I want to let you know.", I replied. "Ok, which friend?", Grayson asked. I remain speechless again and without thinking, I said Tess' name. "Tess, one of my friends from uni.", I replied. 

"Ok, sure. Hey, babe. I better get ready for class, but you have fun tonight with your friend.", Grayson replied. "Ok, I'll call you tomorrow.", I smiled. "Ok, sounds good. See you later, I love you.", Grayson smiled. "I love you too, bye.", I smiled, ending the call, letting out a huge sigh. I couldn't believe that I lied to him about who I'm going to the movies with. 

I look at the time on my phone and realise it's almost 6 and I took the bus to the city to meet Nic at the cinema. Nic arrives to the cinema before me and is waiting for me to arrive. I arrive and Nic saw me. "Hey!", Nic called out. "Hi.", I smiled as we share a quick embrace. 

"Ready to see a movie?", Nic asked. "Sure! What movie are we watching tonight?", I asked. "Well, I got movie tickets for us to watch House of Gucci.", Nic replied, giving me a movie ticket, which I took in my hand. "Sounds good, let's get some popcorn and soda for the movie, I'll pay.", I replied. "Ok.", Nic replied, as we both enter the cinema and bought some popcorn and soda.

We went into the movie theatre and watch House of Gucci, which about the life Maurizio Gucci, who was former head of the Italian fashion brand, Gucci and how his troubled marriage with Patrizia Reggiani lead him to his assassination. 

The movie was full of crime and drama, and it taught me so much about how Gucci became successful throughout the years after Gucci's assassination in 1995. After the movie, Nic and I exit the cinema. "Man, that movie is crazy!", Nic cried. "Yeah, now I know how the marriage lead to murder.", I replied. 

"Are you hungry?", Nic asked. "Very! Know any good places to eat?", I asked. "Yeah, I'll take you to one of my favourite American diners in the city, where they have good food, but horrible service.", Nic replied, which surprises me. "Really?", I asked. 

Nic took me to this American diner, that recently opened in the city. He took me to Karen's Diner, where the staff are rude and insults customers, like how Karens do. But it's not real, as the staff are paid to be rude to customers. A waitress who served us, is rude and acting like a Karen to us. 

She threw the menus on the table and would stay by our table with annoyance, when we look at the menu. "Are you guys fucking done?! I'm getting bored right now!", the rude waitress yelled. "Yes, I'll have the Basic Karen burger and the Oreo Thickshake.", Nic replied. "And you, lady?", the rude waitress asked. 

"I'll have the Deep Fried Karen and the Chocolate Thickshake, and we'll also have the bacon and cheese fries and onion rings.", I replied. "Whatever! I'll be back with your food!", the rude waitress replied, as she snatches the menus away and walks away in disgust. 

"Don't worry, they're paid to be rude to customers.", Nic replied. "Oh.", I replied, as I look around the cafe. "This place looks great. I love the vibes.", I replied. "Yeah, a little different to the American diners back home in America?", Nic asked. "Yeah.", I smiled. 

Suddenly, the rude waitress yells out from the kitchen, which scares us both. "Hurry, I want my orders out right now!", the rude waitress yelled. She bring out our thick shakes and put them on our table, and left without saying a word. Minutes later, she comes out with our food and put them on the table. 

"Anything else?!", she asked in a loud voice. "No thanks.", I replied. "Good! Enjoy!", the rude waitress scoffed, and walks away with annoyance. We then enjoy our food and then we left the diner, with the staff telling us not to come back ever again. 

Nic drove me back to the house and drop me off in front of the house. "Thanks for tonight.", I smiled. "No worries, I had fun.", Nic replied. "I better get inside. I'll see you in class.", I replied. "See you in class. Night.", Nic smiled. "Night.", I replied, as I head inside and Nic drives away. 

I return to my room and lay in bed, thinking to myself. "What am I getting myself into?", I asked myself. I look at a photo of Grayson and I together on my phone and sigh with stress. 


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