The Engagement Party

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A week later, I haven't heard from Nic, after Mike and Olive gave him an A.V.O. and with the help from my family, I blocked and deleted Nic's number, so he could never call or text me ever again. I've seen Nic around at uni and tried to approach me every time, but Robby is able to keep him away. 

Today, it's Mike and Olive's engagement party, which will be held in the city, and Tess and Ali are helping me get ready for the party in my room, while all of my family members are too busy getting ready themselves. 

I wore a long sapphire blue and gold ombre dress, with gold shells and matching gold jewellery. Ali style my hair into a beautiful side-braid ponytail and Tess did my make-up, adding blue and gold eyeshadow, making it into a smokey-eye. 

"Thanks for coming over to help me get ready, girls.", I replied. "No worries, we're happy to help you.", Tess smiled. "So Tess, the other day, we saw the tension between you and Robby.", I smiled. "What'd you mean?", Tess asked. "We saw the way you held his hand after you comforted him about Nic.", Ali replied. 

Tess is speechless, soon Ali and I realise that Tess and Robby are dating. "Are you and Robby...?", I asked. "Yes, Robby and I are dating.", Tess smiled. This surprises me, including Ali, as Robby's her brother. "You and my brother?!", Ali asked. "I really like him and he likes me.", Tess smiled. 

Ali walks up to Tess and hugs her, which took Tess by surprise. "I'm so happy for both of you.", Ali sighed. Tess hugs Ali back and is happy that Ali accepts her and Robby together. I then join their embrace and the three of us share a group hug. 

Moments later, my family comes out of their rooms all dressed up. I then came out and my family were stunned how beautiful I looked. I was nervous when I showed my whole family in my dress. "So, how do I look?", I asked. "You look amazing.", Olive replied. "Isn't it too much? I don't wanna be a centre of attention at your party.", I replied. 

"Are you kidding?! It's never too much, you always look beautiful at every occasion.", Mike smiled. "You look beautiful, honey.", Mom smiled. "Thanks, Mom.", I smiled. "Come on, everyone. We better get to the city for the engagement party, we don't wanna be late.", Daniel replied, as we all left the house and head to the city. 

The engagement party is held at Cockle Bay Wharf in Darling Harbour, from the city and it's a beautiful venue for any functions. Many of our family members and close friends of Mike and Olive's attend to the party to celebrate. I arrive at the venue with my family and we wait for all of the guests to arrive at the venue. 

I help Hannah and Sarah greeting the guests, arriving to the venue and showing them to their expected tables. Meanwhile, Grayson gets off his plane and steps into Sydney Airport, arriving to Sydney. He text Lyla on his phone saying that he has arrived. It turns out, Lyla asked Grayson to come to Sydney to surprise me. 

Lyla replies back and send him the address of the engagement party venue. He then catches a taxi, which takes him to the city. He looks at a photo of me on his phone and smiles. "I'll see you soon, my love.", Grayson sighed. 

After greeting all guests, I go and join my siblings. Then, Mike and Olive get everyone's attention, with Mike clinking his champagne glass with a cutlery. "Can we have all of your attention please?", Mike asked, as everyone looks at him and Olive. 

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate our engagement and we both appreciate everyone here tonight. We're so excited to get married this Christmas in New York and we can't wait!", Mike smiled, as everyone cheers for them. 

Mike and Olive looks at each other and share a kiss in front of everyone. I'm so happy for them both and it reminds me of Grayson and I. Everyone then enjoys a buffet dinner and meeting new people around them. I joined by siblings and having fun with my family. 

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